Tips to Keep Integrated Microwaves in Excellent Condition

Tips to Keep Integrated Microwaves in Excellent Condition
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Placement is a critical criterion in deciding what type of microwave to buy. Integrating your microwave into a wall can save counter space and give your kitchen a sleek appearance. Integrated microwaves — like built-in microwaves — do not require much cleaning like countertops because the walls hide the exterior.

However, if you wish to make the most of your microwave, you still have to clean the interior and keep it in tiptop condition. Check out online store reviews to find the most durable microwaves according to customers.

Here are tips to help you maintain your integrated microwave.

Clean Your Microwave After Every Use

This is the simplest way to increase the longevity of your microwave. Most microwave problems result from food and liquid spills in the oven. If you do not clean after every use, the splatters could become grime, and they can damage the components or cause burn spots when they absorb energy from the microwave. You can cover your dishes with a paper towel or buy a microwave cover to reduce spills in the oven. You can shop for that in hardware stores like Robert Dyas — find out what customers say about them.

Wipe the microwave with warm water and soap periodically, depending on the frequency of usage. Ordinary soap or a microwave cleaner should remove stains easily. You can also heat water in the microwave for a minute to soften the stain if soap or a microwave cleaner cannot remove them.

Don't Leave Your Microwave On When Not in Use

This habit — borne out of forgetfulness or negligence — can damage your microwave in no time. Microwaves produce energy to heat or cook food. When there is a dish in the oven, the food absorbs that energy. However, when there is nothing in it, components like the glass do the absorption. Repeated exposure to this energy can ruin these components and contaminate your food. Buy a surge protector from stores like PowerDirect to manage sharp increases in voltage.

Use Sensor and Preprogrammed Cooking Settings

Some integrated microwaves come with a sensor that calculates cooking time and checks for doneness. You should make the most of it if you have one with such a function. It is cost-efficient, allowing you to consume only as much energy as necessary. If your food overstays in a microwave, it could make a mess — if you remember from Tip 1, gunk can cause burn spots and ruin your microwave interior. You can search for microwaves with that function on online electronic stores like Daewoo.

Use Only Microwave-safe Dishware

Not every plate should go into a microwave. Some materials like metals and aluminium can explode or cause fires. What materials should you use then? Ceramic, plastic, and glass are typically safe for microwave use. You can check the integrated microwave manual to find all the materials allowed to err on the side of caution. Or even better, check the dishware for the microwave-safe label. You should also adhere to weight limitations, especially if you have a small microwave.

Keep a Technician Close

If you notice problems in your microwave, contact a technician. A power surge can take down the microwave if you are not using a surge protector. Some faults are easy to handle. If you perceive a weird, greasy smell, it is probably time to buy a new charcoal filter. You can read electronic store reviews to find legit places to get door latches and filters. If you encounter any major electrical fault, it is time to ring a technician.

Final Thoughts

Most integrated microwaves last about ten years, but that lifespan could be much shorter without proper care. By cleaning regularly and following safe practices, you improve the quality of your meals, save time, and spend less on repairs.

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