40% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Online courses
I really enjoy using online courses, I've actually been using them for quite a while now. I ...Read on
Layla Fox

Most relevant negative review

Online course experience
The online course I signed up for was a bit of a nightmare, to be honest. The guidelines were all...Read on
Elliot Lee

Review with most votes

Freemium course
The free course on the platform was pretty good overall. The courses had some good info, but some...Read on

Reviews (20)






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    Would buy here again

    Online courses

    I really enjoy using online courses, I've actually been using them for quite a while now. I find them to be such a convenient and effective way to learn new things without even having to leave the comfort of my home. I still remember when the internet first emerged, I just knew it was going to revolutionise education. I've taken part in so many courses on this platform, and I have to say, some of them have been absolutely amazing! The best part is, you can audit them for free, so there's really nothing to lose by giving it a go. Just remember to do some research and ensure the course is of good quality before you decide to pay for a certificate.

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    Would buy here again

    Online course platform

    Being someone who's been doing online courses for ages, I think the edX platform is top-notch when it comes to giving you great stuff from well-known universities and industry big shots. Especially with everything that's been going on with COVID19, edX has been a lifesaver for me in terms of learning new things and getting better at what I do. The range of courses on there is seriously impressive, they've got a bit of everything. And it's dead easy to use too, you can find your way around and get to all the course bits without any hassle. Honestly, if you want to take your learning up a notch, I reckon edX is the way to go.

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    Would buy here again

    Best educating platform- loved their courses

    I am literature student, was looking to develop more skills, like in communication, art or similar
    Edx really got me some good courses in free as well as very affordable prices, they are well-organized, syllabus is very extensive and summaries even in the least time like in a week
    I have done 4 courses from here so far... in last 3 months. it really boosted my profile and knowledge
    They also have professional, micromaster, xseries programs and wide variety of courses
    Everyone can find something worht to learn from here
    Strongly recommend!!!!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Certification courses

    I really like doing online certification courses, and I've found that edX is a great platform for that. One thing I really appreciate is the flexible pricing they offer, which makes them stand out from other similar platforms. Instead of having to pay every month like some others, with edX, the fee you pay for the certificates is one-off. This gives you the freedom to take your time and go through the course at your own speed without worrying about extra costs. The pricing is fair, and you get good value for the high-quality education they provide.

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    Would buy here again

    Online course purchase

    I've been taking some online courses as a customer recently and I decided to buy one that focused on a specific subject to broaden my knowledge. But when I started the course, I was let down because there wasn't much substance or depth to the content. The instructor looked unprofessional, just sitting in her kitchen wearing big glasses, which didn't make me feel confident about the course. Plus, there weren't any refunds available and they didn't give any sneak peeks, which made my experience even worse. My advice to others would be to go for courses that offer refunds and give you a taste of what to expect before you buy them.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online course experience

    The online course I signed up for was a bit of a nightmare, to be honest. The guidelines were all over the place and not very helpful, which made it really hard to figure out what I was supposed to do. I thought I was doing pretty well with the modules, but then when it came to getting credit, nothing happened. Because of that, I couldn't even get to the final exam. And to top it all off, the guidelines were so confusing that I didn't realise I had missed the deadline for the exam. It looked like the exam hadn't even opened yet, which was super frustrating. And to make things even worse, there was no one around to help me out and clear things up. All in all, it was just a really rubbish experience.

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    Would buy here again

    Online course auditing

    I've done a few online courses on this platform and I really like being able to do assignments and see how I'm doing. But, I was a bit let down when I found out halfway through a course that I couldn't hand in work for assessment unless I bought a Verified Certificate. It would be good if edX could make it clear whether auditing would be assessed right from the beginning of the course. Even with this problem, I still think the courses are interesting and I'm going to carry on doing the assignments for my own good.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Free online courses

    Free education! They only let you have a little bit before asking for money for the rest. It's a total scam! The customer service is terrible, absolute rubbish.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online course horror

    So, I signed up for this online course and it was a total nightmare. Firstly, they took all my money and now I'm broke, apparently, they even put people in debt with student loans?? Like, what on earth is that about?! The actual course was so bad too. The tutor was all over the place and the course materials were seriously lacking. They shouldn't even be offering these fancy courses from big universities like UOB, Colombia and Harvard - it's just a joke. I had to cancel everything because it was that bad. They never say sorry and always come up with excuses - such clowns!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online Teaching and Learning Strategies course

    I just finished an online course about teaching and learning methods, and honestly, I was really let down by the whole thing. The content of the course was quite shallow and didn't provide much detail or explanation. Most of the pages were just lists of best practices without any real context, which made it really hard to understand what was being taught. I was left feeling unsatisfied with how much I actually learned from the course.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Machine Learning Course

    The course content was really interesting and kept me engaged throughout, but I found it quite annoying that the exercises kept glitching. Having to constantly guess and hope for the best was a pain. My suggestion for the course providers would be to make sure they keep their material up to date for a better learning experience. Despite the technical hiccups, I did enjoy the course overall.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    AI Boot Camp Experience

    I've got to say, I'm a bit gutted about my time at the AI boot camp. I was really looking forward to it, but I don't feel like I've picked up as much as I thought I would. The stuff we've covered has been more basic than I was hoping for, and the feedback from the tutors hasn't been all that useful in helping me get better. All in all, I'm not happy with how things have gone, and I reckon I haven't got my money's worth out of this course.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Experience with online courses

    Although the courses on offer are really good, I've noticed the payment options aren't very flexible. It would be much better for both students and the platform if they let those who have completed over 50% of the course carry on by paying, rather than cutting them off halfway. Education should come first, not just money. When decisions like these are made, it only stresses out students and makes them feel unmotivated. They end up wasting their time and feeling unhappy. This lack of flexibility makes the management team at the platform look bad.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Freemium course

    The free course on the platform was pretty good overall. The courses had some good info, but sometimes there was just too much to take in. I decided to go for the LLM course and was really looking forward to getting started. But then I found out that to access some features and finish certain tasks, I had to buy access to the databricks workspace. It was a bit of a letdown because I was hoping for a totally free experience. Having to fork over cash for extra tools and resources kind of spoiled the appeal of the free course for me.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online learning experience

    My experience with online learning on this platform was really disappointing. I signed up for a course but had problems with the labs that stopped me from moving forward. When I contacted customer support for help, I wasn't happy with the response I got. They kind of suggested that the course staff were to blame, not the platform. The course staff gave me a generic reply on the forum and didn't check back or offer any more help.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Online course experience

    My experience with the online course provider was pretty disappointing. They talked a good game in their ads, promising a chance to boost my skills and make my career better. However, once I finished the course and handed over the cash, it didn't really deliver. There were no new job chances or skills gained. The customer service felt robotic and not very caring, like they were just reading off a script.

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