My History Reviews

: 4
50% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Personalised certificate folde
I bought a lovely certificate folder for my aunty, and the staff at the shop were really friendly...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Personalised folders
Their product was poor quality - and they subsequently admitted they knew it - but they did not m...Read on

Reviews (4)






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    Would buy here again

    Personalised certificate folder for my aunty

    I bought a lovely certificate folder for my aunty, and the staff at the shop were really friendly! They even gave me a call right after I placed the order to check they spelled her name correctly. The folder arrived really quickly, even with the personalised touch!

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    Would buy here again

    Overpriced postage charges

    I was all geared up to buy something from this company, but when I clocked the postage costs, I was proper gutted. Seven quid for postage and packaging - seriously? I've never been hit with fees that steep from any other UK company. It's a shame really because I was well into their stuff, but I just can't swallow that pricey shipping charge. They ought to think about lowering their postage fees, I reckon loads of other customers must be feeling put off too.

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    Would buy here again

    Personalised folders

    Their product was poor quality - and they subsequently admitted they knew it - but they did not mention on the web page which advertised this. The image on their web page showed a product with personalised gold writing that exactly matched the writing on the rest of the front cover of their folder. They later admitted to me that the personalised names would actually never match because while one set of wording was properly embossed onto the front cover, their personalised names were printed on using a completely different (cheaper and inferior) technique. The fact that their web page image showed an exact match when they knew it didn't match is contrary to the UK Consumer Rights Act 2015 and the UK trading laws. The folders looked cheap and very strange as a result of them mixing their printing techniques. Having spoken to several other printers since, it is clear that a reputable printer would not offer this product in the first place. I sent the folders back and instead of doing what most companies would do, i.e., offer me a different option or offer a refund, they instead chose to spend hours trying different ways of printing on what they said were old folders in an attempt to prove me wrong! They refused multiple times to refund, including just a refund of the personalisation cost of £9.90, rather than the £50 overall cost. They then insulted me as a customer in an email to me, and refused to refund even the £9.90 ...because they said they had spent too long dealing with my complaint!

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    Would buy here again

    Interactive and exposing

    I'm a genealogist and I do advise people to check out My History. This company helps with genealogy. You can trace your family ancestry and family tree using this kind of software. It helps a lot in compiling and exposing you more to the medical conditions or history of your predecessors. I don't even know how to emphasize the importance of this software to people but I hope people can understand and value the importance of this software. Maybe because I'm a genealogist so I really know what it means to be aware of this kind of software. Please do well to check out and use My History anytime.

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