Second Nature Reviews

: 21
95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Health and fitness app
I've come across this health and fitness app that's been a real game-changer for me on ...Read on
Will Knight

Review with most votes

They have given me hope again
I thought my life would end when I heard I was diabetic after an appointment with my family docto...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    They have given me hope again

    I thought my life would end when I heard I was diabetic after an appointment with my family doctor. For months, my psychology was greatly affected and I withdrew myself from the outside world. Only my family knew what I was going through. I thought I would not make it and that I was going to die a miserable death. My son got me subscribed to Second Nature just for me to regain my mental health back. I didn't take it serious. I took it with levity. I just wanted to be through with everything. Life had began to look dull and blurry for me with not hope. I stated the program and after a month, I noticed a tiny bit of change. I was starting to get different insights form the program. Well, I paid more attention to it and with time, I became even an advocate of this platform. They restored my health and gave me detailed in about my disease. I think the thing that kills people more than the disease itself is fear and lack of detailed information about the particular disease. I do the things I do before now. I believe I'm not going to die soon now. Second Nature is just the best among the rest.

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    Would buy here again

    Health and weight loss

    Hey everyone! I've been feeling a bit down and overweight but this programme has really helped me out. I've managed to lose 5kg in just 9 weeks! My digestion has improved, I have more energy, I'm sleeping better and my mood is much more steady. The app is really user-friendly and I enjoy reading the themed articles every week, they keep me motivated. The support group is fantastic and I love chatting with my coach and nutritionist. They're really encouraging and never make me feel pressured. I use the scales and steps tracker every day, plan my meals and try new recipes each week. I've ditched processed foods and now cook tasty, wholesome meals. I'm eating three meals a day and snacking less. If I have a setback, it's not a big deal - I just get back on track and carry on. Thanks to this programme, I feel like I'm making better choices and taking control of my health.

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    Would buy here again

    Weight loss program

    I've been using the weight loss programme for a few weeks now and I must say, I'm really impressed with how easy and effective the app is. At first, I found it quite straightforward to use and understand, but I can see how it might be a bit tricky for some people at the start. There are quite a few daily tasks to keep on top of, but as time goes on, it gets easier and quicker to fit them into my day. I was hoping for more active conversations in the group chat, but it seems like only a few people are getting involved. However, I do appreciate being able to directly connect with the coach, who has been super quick to respond, really informative, supportive, and positive. I've already started to see some positive results from following the programme and I'm really looking forward to continuing on this health journey.

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    Would buy here again

    Health and wellness programme

    My experience with the health and wellness programme has been absolutely fantastic. I'm not usually one for group stuff, but I found the messages really interesting and super useful. I love the reminders to drink water with a slice of lemon and all the detailed stats on my weight, sleep, and steps. Before I started, I didn't even own scales, so I had no clue about what I should weigh. But I lost 5 lbs in just 10 days without really trying, and now I'm at my target weight. I've also improved my diet, going back to 'blue milk' after ages of using 'green milk', and I find it simple to make meals following the guidelines and recipes. I'm really happy with how far I've come and feel hopeful that this programme can help me with my pre-diabetic condition.

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    Would buy here again

    Health and fitness app

    I've come across this health and fitness app that's been a real game-changer for me on my quest for a healthier life. It's so simple to download, the advice it gives is clear and helpful, there are short videos and talks to learn from, you can set realistic goals, plus there's a personal health coach feature - all making it a priceless tool for boosting your well-being. Sure, I've got to put in the work, but I'm really thankful for the good it's done for my health and fitness targets.

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    Would buy here again

    Pre-diabetic lifestyle management program

    When I found out I was pre-diabetic, it was really scary. Second Nature was a huge help though, giving me great support and advice. The programme was personalised for me, with weekly check-ins and useful articles every day. I had my own health coach who was always on hand to help and offer reassurance.

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    Would buy here again

    Weight loss and prevention of type 2 diabetes

    The Second Nature programme has really made a huge difference for me when it comes to avoiding type 2 diabetes and losing weight. The daily articles have given me a lot of insight into myself and how to make positive changes to my lifestyle. Not only have I benefitted from the programme, but my family has also noticed good changes in our habits. My health coach has been amazing, always there to help with any questions I have. The group chat has been really helpful for sharing cooking and exercise ideas, as well as providing support. I particularly enjoy the daily articles, as they have changed my way of thinking and helped me make great progress towards my weight loss goals. I can't wait to see what new insights and experiences each day brings to keep me motivated on this journey.

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    Would buy here again

    Peer group nutrition program

    This course has really made a big difference for me. It's great to be part of a group with people who think like me, all guided by a coach who really knows their stuff, including nutrition. It's completely changed my life. In just two weeks, I can already see big improvements in how I eat, my mindset, and my weight. I've learned a lot about myself and how to look after my body properly. I'm so happy with the progress I've made so far and can't wait to keep going on this journey to a healthier lifestyle. I definitely recommend this course to anyone who wants to make good changes in their life.

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    Would buy here again

    Health and fitness app

    I've been using this health and fitness app for some time now, and I have to say, I'm really impressed. It's helped me stick to my health goals by giving me advice on walks, staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, doing deep breathing exercises, and being physically active. The addition of recipes is a fantastic bonus as it makes it simpler for me to stay healthy without always having to worry about counting calories. This app has really helped me on my journey to better health, and I would definitely suggest it to anyone wanting to make a change and boost their overall well-being.

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    Would buy here again

    Weight loss program

    As someone who's signed up for this weight loss programme, I have to say I found it really helpful and informative. It's given me a bunch of tools that I reckon will help me keep pushing forward on my weight loss mission. I may not have seen a massive drop in weight just yet, but I reckon the stuff I've learned and the resources they've given me will do me good in the long run. The way they've covered everything from nutrition to exercise to general health is really impressive. I liked how they made sure to explain things clearly, even the tricky stuff.

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    Would buy here again

    Mindful & Healthy eating habits

    Oh my goodness, I just had to share with you about this amazing thing I came across called Second Nature! It's sort of like this app that guides you towards healthier eating habits and all that jazz. I was expecting it to be all dull and rigid, but it's actually pretty awesome. They help you learn how to enjoy well-rounded meals that are also delicious. I've been using it for three weeks now and I already feel a lot healthier. You should definitely give it a go, it's totally worth it!

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    Would buy here again

    Health-tracking app

    The health-tracking app is really handy for keeping an eye on your weight and counting your steps, showing all the details in a nice and easy-to-read way. Plus, the support coach is a great help, always there with useful tips when you need them. One thing that could make it even better is if it could also track activities like cycling or swimming.

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    Would buy here again

    Lifestyle-changing health and wellness purchase

    Second Nature has honestly been a lifesaver for me! The articles they share every day, whether spoken or written, are so informative and it feels like I'm always picking up something new. The recipes they offer are fantastic and have been super useful in helping me stick to my health targets. Keeping an eye on my weight and activity levels has been a brilliant way to keep me motivated. Plus, having a health coach for support and guidance has been a really great perk as I work on transforming my lifestyle.

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    Would buy here again

    Weight loss program purchase

    I recently bought a weight loss program from this company and I'm really happy with the results. The program is really detailed and has helped me get healthier and lose weight effectively. It feels like they really get what I need and are keen on giving me useful advice to help me out. Because of this, I'm noticing good changes in my health and I'm feeling inspired to keep on making progress.

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    Would buy here again

    Weight loss program

    Second Nature has been a real game-changer for me. I didn't have to go through any dramatic changes to my diet or start intense workouts. They just gave me the info and tools to make small, lasting changes that I've now turned into habits. I've had fun trying out new foods like asparagus and spinach, and I've managed to cut out bad habits like energy drinks. The help and advice from the team have been so helpful on my journey to a healthier life.

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    Would buy here again

    Easy to follow, never hungry

    It's really simple to follow this plan, you never actually feel hungry which is amazing. It really makes you pay attention to what you're eating and offers great advice. And on top of that, there are others following the same plan who are there to support you and share tips. Sharing meal ideas is really enjoyable and helps you understand your body better. You end up losing weight and feeling fantastic. I would highly recommend it to anyone, without a doubt.

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    Would buy here again

    Weight loss program

    I've been trying out the weight loss programme from Second Nature, and honestly, it's been a real game-changer for me. I'm not only hitting my weight loss targets with ease, but I'm also really enjoying cooking fresh meals from scratch. It's a nice change from all the ready meals packed with additives and sugar. I like how the programme isn't just for people who are pre-diabetic or overweight, but for anyone who wants to boost their health and wellness.

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    Would buy here again

    Sugar awareness

    The program has been really eye-opening for me in terms of understanding how sugar affects my body. I used to just go for green labels and low sugar products, but now I'm more clued up. The online coaching was very helpful and the daily information given was clear and to the point. I also found it useful to learn about the emotional side of food and how to tackle these challenges. All in all, the course has not only helped me shed some pounds but also made me feel a whole lot better.

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    Would buy here again

    Diabetes Prevention Programme scales and cookbook

    I bought these scales and a cookbook from this shop. Setting up the scales was so difficult, I think I spent a whole afternoon on it. And then the scales showed I weighed less than I actually do. I've emailed them twice about it, but they still haven't got back to me! What's up with that?

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