Getting Started: A Guide for Professional Reviewers

To master the art of delivering constructive criticism, publishing a negative opinion without seeming disrespectful, or writing a neutral and informative comment on BritainReviews, we aim to guide you on how to critique like a seasoned professional.

At BritainReviews, we’re committed to building a community that is discerning and critical of the online companies and services we encounter. Our online opinions and experiences wield significant power; firstly, in rewarding or penalising a company based on its practices, and secondly, in alerting other users about whether they should consider purchasing from certain websites.

Through these collective efforts, we strive to create a safer, more independent, and trustworthy online shopping environment. But what exactly is BritainReviews?

What is BritainReviews?

BritainReviews is a platform designed to connect UK users with online stores they’ve recently shopped at. Every purchase leaves us with an impression of the retailer: Did we receive satisfactory customer service? Was a faulty item returned efficiently? And crucially, would we shop there again and recommend it to others?

BritainReviews’ mission is to provide a space where everyone can share their opinions and reviews, regardless of their nature, as long as they adhere to our guidelines. As an intermediary, we occasionally moderate and remove comments that breach our standards. To ensure your reviews remain visible, keep reading!

First Steps

Here are three vital steps for new BritainReviews users wishing to become proficient reviewers of the companies they’ve patronised:

  1. Create Your Profile

Setting up your profile on BritainReviews is straightforward, requiring only basic information such as your name and email. Bear in mind your name will appear with your reviews. To protect your privacy, consider not using your full surname. Alternatively, our support team can replace your name with your initials if you wish to remain anonymous.

  1. Manage Your Profile

Once your profile is created, you can access your dashboard to view and manage your reviews and ratings. You can personalise your profile, including changing your profile picture to stand out as a star reviewer.

Establishing a profile lends credibility to your reviews, showcasing you as a former customer who is either content or dissatisfied with a company's services. BritainReviews is committed to protecting the privacy and safety of our members and will not tolerate any form of intimidation from businesses unhappy with the feedback they receive.

The advantages of having your own profile include the ability to manage your reviews, edit or delete them if you come to an agreement with the business in question. Additionally, you will receive notifications via email if a company responds to your comment.

Can you delete your profile and data? Absolutely. BritainReviews takes data protection and privacy very seriously. Just contact us to initiate the process.

2. You Can Start Now!

With your account verified and set up, you can browse freely on BritainReviews, exploring companies across various categories like Clothing Stores, Insurance, Finance Websites, and more. We host profiles for numerous companies, many of which you’ve likely shopped with before.

We Recommend…

  • Reflect on the online stores or services you've recently used and have opinions about, be they positive or negative.

  • Use our search function at the top left, entering the brand name. If it’s listed on our site, you can access it and read existing comments from other users.

  • You can read and respond to comments and write your own detailed opinion on whether you’d recommend buying from the web store again.

Remember that your comments can receive positive votes, enhancing their visibility to other users. Use your influence responsibly!

What You Can Find in a Company Profile

Besides user reviews, company profiles contain useful and relevant information about the business:

  1. A brief description of the company: Details about the company’s founding, along with contextual background information.

  2. Contact information: Many users search for company profiles to find contact details and leave feedback about their experiences.

  3. Overall rating: When writing a review, you can also rate the company from 1 to 5 stars, assessing various aspects like product quality, service, pricing, and delivery. You’ll also answer a key question for the community: Would you buy from this store again?

All this information is publicly accessible to both users and companies.

How to Write Reviews on BritainReviews

Composing a review about a company is a serious task that requires professionalism. Often, words must be chosen carefully to avoid penalisation, ensuring your comment reaches its intended audience.

It’s crucial to organise your thoughts and remember your experience, aiming for detail, descriptiveness, and realism. Each company profile has a section for writing reviews, which is freely available to all former customers. Note that we periodically send emails to verify purchases after a comment is posted. Without providing proof of purchase, your comment won’t display a “verified” badge.

Writing an Excellent Review on BritainReviews

To craft an outstanding review that guides and aids other users, adhere to these guidelines:

  • Remain honest, do not manipulate data or dates: Even if dissatisfied, it’s essential to report accurately. False reviews can be reported and, if proven dishonest, may be removed.

  • Be descriptive: Get to the point but provide enough detail to be useful to others making purchasing decisions based on your review.

  • Avoid being overly detailed or personal: Do not include personal information or the names of company employees. Safeguard both your data and the company’s integrity.

To Write a Review…

  1. Enter your Name and Email.

  2. Mention the service or product you purchased.

  3. Describe your overall experience with the business. Discuss the product or service quality, pricing, and durability. Was it worth the investment? If problems arose, did the business resolve them satisfactorily? Is the return and exchange policy fair? How were you treated? Provide all information that helps readers determine if the store is reliable and worth purchasing from.

  4. Rate the experience from 1 to 5 stars, covering areas such as Product, Service, Pricing, and Delivery. This contributes to the overall score.

  5. Finally, indicate if you would buy from this website again, summarising your overall experience and attitude towards the business.

Remember, writing comments is easy! But doing so thoughtfully and professionally is challenging. Always consider that thousands of users will read your review and may base their decisions on it. Be courteous, fair, and responsible in your feedback.