Managing Review Reports

Within our community, it's common to get email alerts about flagged reviews. No need to worry! These reports can often be sorted out quickly and may stem from simple mistakes.

While automated systems handle mass-produced, harmful content, we also enable users to report and address complaints, defending their reviews and opinions.

Why Was One of Your Opinions Flagged?

BritainReviews treasures transparency and honesty. Users can rate, vote, and flag comments that breach our content guidelines. Our team looks into all complaints, often due to inappropriate language or harsh words, which may need editing for your review to be approved.

Severe infractions, such as:

  • Spam content
  • Unverified AI-generated content
  • Attempts to sway audience opinions

These can lead to account suspension and review removal.

What Steps Should You Take If Your Opinion Is Flagged?

If your opinion is flagged, you'll get an email explaining the reason and what actions to take. You can appeal if you think the decision is unjust. Possible outcomes include:

  1. Dismiss the complaint - No strong reasons for removal.
  2. Further investigation - More information needed.
  3. Delete the review - Clear reasons for removal found.


Who Can Flag My Review?

Both users and company owners can flag comments. Think about the impact of your words, especially if sharing a negative experience.

Is the Resolution Process Different If a User or a Company Flags Me?

No, all reports are handled equally, ensuring fairness for both users and companies.

What Happens If a User or Company Misuses the Flagging Function?

Repeatedly rejected reports or attempts to defame can result in penalties, including account suspension.