Reviews Retention Period

At BritainReviews, your opinions are important. We store reviews indefinitely, providing ongoing value and insights for everyone.

Our Retention Policy

1. Review Modification: Account holders can edit or delete reviews at will. Non-account holders can contact support for deletions.

2. Transparency Commitment: We keep you informed about review visibility, promoting trust and transparency.

3. Privacy Compliance: We adhere to strict privacy standards, ensuring your information is secure.

Importance of a Retention Period

Reviews are key for making informed choices. By keeping them, we offer relevant information that helps everyone make better decisions.

Our active review retention builds a comprehensive resource of user experiences, assisting the community in making informed decisions. This policy supports user autonomy and privacy as well.

If you need help with reviews or account management, our support team is ready to assist.

Ownership of Reviews

Reviews on BritainReviews are user-generated and belong to the author. They are tied to user accounts, giving full control for edits or deletions.

How Long Reviews Are Retained:

  • While Account is Active: Reviews remain as long as the account is active, offering ongoing access to valuable insights.
  • Active Deletion: Users can delete reviews anytime, maintaining control over their digital presence.

Impact of Account Deletion:

  • Automatic Review Deletion: Deleting a BritainReviews account leads to the automatic removal of all associated reviews, ensuring user privacy.
  • Privacy Policy Alignment: This practice is aligned with our privacy policy, ensuring personal data is managed according to user rights.