Hoppa Reviews

: 22

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

82% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Airport Transfers
I recently arranged for airport transfers to and from Prevesa. It all went really smoothly and ha...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Booking amendment for child se
I've tried three times to change my booking to add child seats, but I haven't gotten an...Read on
C. Murphy

Review with most votes

Trip was so cool
I had the worst flight in my life and i seriously dealing with driving to the hotel is like a com...Read on
Lucas Thompson

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Airport Transfer

    I booked the hoppa for a recent trip to Portugal - the transfer from airport was fine but then came the drama with this company.
    Our flight got cancelled which obviously happens less than 24hours before you fly - couldn't get hold of anyone to talk too - tried the whatsapp it was useless, sent an email which says they will contact you within 24hours. Absolute joke.
    I have sent them emails asking for help and all i have received is them not taking any responsibility for not being able to contact them. The driver also turned up at the hotel - clearly the company did not contact him - why do we bother giving this company flight details if they don't bother following the flights.
    I then receive an email telling me i didn't turn up for the journey back to the airport and if i don't respond within 72 hours i cannot make any complaints going forward.
    This company is an absolute JOKE!
    DO NOT book with them at all, especially if you would like to speak to someone in case flight cancellations etc happen. Your money disappears, they don't care and then you get threatening emails.
    Then they send you a copy and paste message to say thank you or we are sorry, please go to the following link. What an absolute disgrace!

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    Would buy here again

    Airport transfer

    Beware if you are thinking of using this company! If it takes more than 35 minutes to clear covid checks, border security & collect your luggage the taxi will leave & Hoppa will accuse you of not showing up!

    The Hoppa transfer taxi only waited 35 minutes after our flight had landed before leaving, not giving us enough time to clear Covid pass checks, border security & collect our luggage.
    Hoppa admitted that the taxi should have waited for 1 hour but refused to accept responsibility as we didn't phone the local agent when we couldn't find their driver. The fact my phones sim would not work in Egypt so I couldn't call the Egyptian agent wasn't taken into consideration.

    An unreliable company that doesn't care about its customers - avoid & use a company focused on providing it's customers with a good reliable service.

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    Would buy here again

    Trip was so cool

    I had the worst flight in my life and i seriously dealing with driving to the hotel is like a complete package of hell. Thank god, Hoppa was there! the driving was pure bliss and i finally get time to rest

    Worst company ever. I booked for 6 people , because corona virus couldn't go. Could not teach company , flight cancelled.. and online wouldn't work , email was not answered and messages not replied to . Won't refund any the money so I owed all my friends . Simply not right.. they new we wasn't coming as flights cancelled.. even the phone number didn't work .

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