Golf Care Reviews

: 21

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Buggy insurance and free golf
I had a great time with Golf Care! They gave me some free golf balls and insurance for my buggy, ...Read on
Sabrina Walsh

Review with most votes

Golf Insurance
Outdoor activities are actually important in variety of ways such as health and fitness, entertai...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Payment details removal

    I found it really easy and convenient once I logged in and took off my payment details. I really think companies shouldn't just hold onto customers' details and charge them every year without asking. I get that it might make things easier for the company, but they're supposed to do things right and in a fair way.

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    Would buy here again

    Insurance policy with single article limit concern

    I recently signed up for an insurance policy online and I must say, I was quite happy with how easy the process was. I got my free golf balls, vouchers, and insurance tag promptly, which was a nice surprise. However, my excitement quickly faded when I realised there was a difference between the online quote and the Insurance Schedule. Apparently, there was a "single article limit of £500," which worried me because my premium Stewart trolley was worth well over £1,500. It was not what I was expecting and it left me feeling a bit let down, considering I thought it would fall under the £3,500 golf equipment limit. Besides that hiccup, I am actually happy with the coverage and service provided by this company.

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