allplants Reviews

: 21
90% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Meal delivery service
I've given the meal delivery service a go a few times now, and I've got to say I'm...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Subscription frequency mix-up
I had a bit of a problem with my subscription from this company recently. I tried to change how o...Read on
L. Cook

Review with most votes

Nice option..
I strongly recommend "allplants" to all .A natural booster these days. Check few fanta...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Healthy, tasty meals

    So, I wasn't really sure if I wanted to try these meals because I'm not even vegan, but I did and OMG they are sooooo good! They're super convenient and all the ones I've tried are yummy, healthy, and make me super full. They've helped me so much because life is so busy and it's easy to just eat junk or quick meals, but now I can just grab one of these from the freezer and have a yummy meal in like no time with no extra work. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Subscription frequency mix-up

    I had a bit of a problem with my subscription from this company recently. I tried to change how often I wanted my deliveries, but even though I set it to every two weeks, they kept charging me for weekly deliveries. When I contacted customer service about this, they weren't very helpful and refused to fix the issue. Now I've ended up paying for extra meals that I didn't even need. It's really disappointing to see a company that usually prides itself on helping customers not taking responsibility for their mistakes.

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