Jam Golf Reviews

: 21

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Ladies Callaway Reva's 11
I found Jam Golf when I was searching for some new clubs. I was a bit unsure at first because I&#...Read on
I. Richardson

Most relevant negative review

Golf equipment
I was really let down by my visit to this store. They had all these promises about price matching...Read on
J. Wilkinson

Review with most votes

second-hand driver
I recently bought a used driver and it was such a bargain. Also, it arrived really quickly! It wa...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Iron set purchase

    I've had a bit of trouble with deliveries from DPD, but James at the store was really helpful. He sorted everything out for me and even gave me a better deal than I was expecting. The team at the store are really dedicated to making their customers happy, and I'm grateful for all their help.

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    Would buy here again

    second-hand driver

    I recently bought a used driver and it was such a bargain. Also, it arrived really quickly! It was in excellent condition - I'm absolutely thrilled with it!

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