Jack's Flight Club Reviews

: 23

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26% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Flights to Bali saved me £500
I signed up for a premium membership but didn't use any deals for a year, so I decided to un...Read on
Stacey Jackson

Most relevant negative review

Bought flights
I’ve bought flights but no one's got back to me about my emails or messages. They told me I&...Read on

Review with most votes

Exactly what we wanted.
Last year December, the family wanted to go to America to see our granny. We are a family of fou...Read on

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Flight subscription purchase

    I recently signed up for a flight subscription service, expecting to get updates on good deals and discounts, you know, the usual. But boy was I let down! The company was sneaky, giving a cheap trial at first, only to spring the full amount on you later without a heads-up. And by the time you figure it out, it's too late to ask for your money back because their so-called "cooling-off" period is like a blink of an eye. I'd tell anyone to steer clear of this service, the deals they promise aren't really worth it in the end.

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    Would buy here again

    Membership not worth it

    I thought I was going to get some amazing discounts with that high-end membership, but all I ended up with were dull trips to Europe on the weekends. It feels like they conned me into signing up for absolutely nothing!

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    Would buy here again

    Premium membership purchase

    I've just splashed out on a fancy premium membership for this service, but I still haven't got any of the cool perks they said I'd get. I've tried getting in touch with customer service over email, but they're not getting back to me at all. Seems like I'm not the only one having this issue, as I've seen others complaining about the same thing on different review sites. Wish I'd done more research before diving into this purchase.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight deal purchase

    What a joke! All they do is send you emails with links to Google Flights, which you could easily find yourself. It's such a waste of money. Don't let their supposed "service" fool you.

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    Would buy here again

    Overcharged without consent

    I'm absolutely shocked by the lack of integrity and honesty of this service. They charged me without asking and now the customer service team isn't even responding - it's just not on! It's obvious they don't care about customer issues or fixing their mistakes. I would steer clear at all costs.

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    Would buy here again

    Flight deals

    I am really let down by this flight club. They promised amazing deals but didn't follow through. I joined their subscription service expecting to find some cheap flights, but all I found were expensive options that weren't worth it. It feels like they're tricking customers with false advertising. I've seen better deals on other websites that don't charge a subscription fee. To be honest, I feel like I've been conned by this flight club. Their customer service is practically non-existent too! It's best to book your flights somewhere else.

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    Would buy here again

    Subscription service experience

    I had a really bad time with a subscription service I joined recently. They took my money without asking, couldn't give me a good reason when I asked about it, wouldn't give me a refund, and then just stopped talking to me altogether. They try to seem all nice and small-businessy, but my dealings with them showed they're really sneaky and just want to keep taking people's money. I think the way they acted was wrong and tricky. Now I really don't like subscription companies, and I think people should steer clear of them after what happened to me.

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    Would buy here again

    Annual plan purchase

    Hey, so I decided to go for this yearly plan from this company, you know? They claim to be all ethical and everything, but then I come across a bunch of negative reviews about them having issues with billing. Long story short, they went ahead and cancelled my subscription after a couple of months, and didn't even bother getting back to my emails. How uncool is that? I paid for a service and got nothing in return. Can't rely on them at all. Makes me wonder if they're still in business.

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