Merlin Passes Reviews

: 21

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52% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Merlin Passes purchase review
We've been loyal customers for the passes for two years now and we've had a really posi...Read on
M. Richards

Most relevant negative review

Platinum passes
As someone who loves visiting Merlin attractions often, I decided to switch from the gold pass to...Read on
Molly Thompson

Review with most votes

Standard Family Merlin Passes
The last time I went on tour was in France and I went alone because it was on official sponsorshi...Read on
Joselyn Paulette

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Annual passes purchase

    I'm really disappointed with the whole thing about buying those annual passes. I made sure to give them my new address, but they still sent the packs to my old one, which was a real pain and made me pretty annoyed. Then, when I went to different theme parks, they told me they didn't keep the packs there, which just added to the let-down. I've been living at my current address for 3 years now, and this has never happened with any other online orders I've made. The fact that they messed up the delivery so badly, especially after I paid a lot for the passes, is just not on. I've tried getting in touch with customer service in different ways, but I haven't got a decent response yet. All in all, this whole thing has been a frustrating let-down.

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    Would buy here again

    Pass booking issues

    The booking system for the passes is a complete nightmare. I've tried to pre-book several times, but the system doesn't seem to recognise our passes at all. It's really annoying to see other people struggling with the same issue, especially when the RAP is fully booked every time I try to make a reservation. It's taking ages for complaints to be dealt with, with a two-week wait for any kind of solution. When I phoned up to ask about the problem, Merlin's customer service just brushed it off and said it wasn't their concern. The only good thing is the staff at the kiosks who are actually helpful and acknowledge the issue.

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    Would buy here again

    Hotel stay confusion

    I was just trying to work out how much I could save on a hotel stay with my pass, but it was all so confusing! I had to speak to loads of different people just to get an answer, and even then, I still couldn't find the info I was looking for. It's like they're trying to hide the prices from us before we make a purchase - really annoying!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Late-night purchase of 4 passes

    I feel really let down by the customer service I got after buying 4 passes in the evening, only to find out about a half-price offer the next day. I went on webchat right away to cancel the passes within the cooling off period and buy them again at the sale price. They promised me I'd get refunded the price difference. But it's been more than a month now and I still haven't seen the refund. At first they said it would take 5 days, then an email said it could be up to 3 weeks. Now it's been over 4 weeks and no matter how many times I try to get in touch by phone and email, I'm just hit with silence. It's really not fair or right to leave me hanging like this. I need someone to sort this out urgently.

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