Singles 50 Reviews

: 25

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8% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Finding love online
The world of online dating can seem pretty scary, but I decided to give it a go and create an acc...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Cancelled subscription and sti
The service didn't work out for me, so I decided to cancel it right away. But the problem is...Read on

Review with most votes

Subscription fees
Oh my gosh, this company is absolutely terrible! They said it would only be $6 a month, but they ...Read on

Reviews (25)






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    Would buy here again

    Prepaid subscription cancellation

    I had a really bad experience with a prepaid subscription service recently. I had signed up for a 6-month subscription but wanted to cancel before it finished. When I tried to cancel, they told me I had to pay an extra fee of 3000 NOK. Even though I was still in the prepaid period, they took the money from my account without asking me first. Their customer service hasn't been helpful at all, which has left me feeling really frustrated and powerless. I would advise anyone thinking of using this service to make sure they read and understand all the terms and conditions beforehand.

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    Would buy here again

    Match suggestions and customer service experience

    My experience with the dating site started off really well - signing up was easy and I liked how quickly customer services got back to me. I was excited to get a few match suggestions each day and have good chats. But things went downhill fast when I realised that 2 out of the 7 matches I got were scammers. I reported them, but after 4 weeks they were still using the site. And worse, they could still see my profile even after being reported. In the last few weeks, I've come across 7 scammer profiles in total, with another 4 spotted online. I've tried emailing customer service 5 times, but haven't heard anything back. The fact that the dating site hasn't done anything about these fake profiles has left me feeling uneasy and unsure about carrying on using their services.

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    Would buy here again

    6-month membership

    I joined the website for a 6-month membership because the price advertised was only $9.70, which seemed like a great deal. However, I was very surprised when I saw that $239.70 had been taken out of my account instead. So, I got in touch with my bank straight away to cancel my card and challenge the transaction. It's really not right that the site wasn't clear about the actual cost and used false advertising. On top of all that, I never even got a receipt for the payment, which just made things seem even more dodgy. I really wish I had checked the reviews before signing up, because this whole experience has been so disheartening and untrustworthy.

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    Would buy here again

    Online dating website

    I had a quick look on an online dating site not long ago but I didn't stick around for long as it wasn't great. Strange thing is, a year later, I got a letter from a legal firm saying I owe them money. I checked my emails but there was nothing about owing money to the dating site, just an old offer from a year ago. Sounds like a scam to me. Should I just ignore the letter or is there something else I should do?

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    Would buy here again

    Stupid scammers

    I've been scammed by this site several times because they kept charging me and ignoring my requests to cancel my subscription. They won't let you delete your profile until you cancel your subscription, but they make it really difficult to confirm that you've actually cancelled. It's a complete scam!!

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    Would buy here again

    Premium membership

    The premium membership scheme is an absolute con. It's a nightmare trying to cancel, they just keep taking your money every month. They won't even let you delete your profile, so you feel like you're stuck in a never-ending loop. What's worse, they charge you unreasonable fees in Euros, making you feel like you're getting ripped off. And if you do try to cancel, they bring in scary European debt collection agencies to try and force you to pay. A mate of mine got hit with a crazy $1,000 bill in New Zealand dollars. My advice? Steer clear of this company.

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    Would buy here again

    One-month subscription without payment confirmation

    I signed up for the one-month subscription but didn't get a payment confirmation. Later, I saw the renewal charge on my card and got worried. I contacted customer service straight away on the same day to ask them to cancel it. I'm really careful with deadlines and stuff, so not getting a payment confirmation email was worrying. I cancelled my subscription quickly to make sure I wouldn't get charged again.

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    Would buy here again

    Subscription service

    This subscription service is a complete nightmare. They try to squeeze money out of you, use scary tactics with collection agencies, and always charge you more than you expect. When your subscription is up, they block your account and ask for more money. It's just lies and trickery over and over again. I only wanted to do a one-month subscription, but they somehow renewed it without asking me, even after I cancelled through PayPal. Do yourself a favour and steer well clear of this dodgy business.

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    Would buy here again

    Scammy dating site

    It's really awful, all the profiles are fake and they refuse to let you cancel your subscription. I had to cancel my card to get out of it, and they even threatened me with debt collectors from Europe! I would recommend avoiding this website at all costs and using a different one instead.

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    Would buy here again

    Difficult to cancel membership

    I tried to cancel my membership on this website, and let me tell you, it was a nightmare. I sent them an email straight up asking them to cancel it pronto, but instead of doing that, they said someone from customer service would get in touch (which surprise surprise, never happened). Then they had the nerve to tell me to check out their website for some so-called "helpful" FAQs. I didn't need help when I signed up for the membership, and I sure as heck don't need it now. So I've gone ahead and blocked my card. Good riddance to them!

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    Would buy here again

    Online dating subscription

    I signed up for that online dating thing and man, it was a complete disaster. I tried to cancel my subscription but couldn't figure it out. The links to delete my account weren't working, customer service was no help at all, and they just kept charging me for things I didn't even want. Such a rip off! I would definitely advise against it!

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    Would buy here again

    Online dating subscription

    My time using this online dating site was really not good. I thought I was getting a great deal with a cheap 6-month subscription, but then got stung with a massive charge of over $400 when the time was up. They didn't even tell me about this charge, and trying to get my money back was a real struggle that took two months of emailing them every day. The customer service was useless, and I felt like I had to lie just to get some of my money back. To be honest, my experience with this site was terrible, and I would advise others to avoid it.

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    Would buy here again

    Subscription fees

    Oh my gosh, this company is absolutely terrible! They said it would only be $6 a month, but they ended up charging me way more. I think they're total scammers and I've reported them for fraud. They wouldn't even let me cancel my subscription, just so they could carry on taking my money.

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