Perfect Pet Insurance Reviews

: 21

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81% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Alternative pet insurance purc
I was shocked when I saw how much my current provider was trying to charge me for the same policy...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Quick Purchase
As someone who's got pet insurance with this company, I thought getting my policy was easy a...Read on
Andrew Cook

Review with most votes

Anyone who has ever taken a sick or injured pet to the vet knows how expensive veterinary care ca...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Helpful customer service

    I really thought the customer service advisor who helped me access my account was great. They were so patient and knew what they were talking about, and they made sure I could understand everything easily. I was really grateful for how hard they worked and how willing they were to assist me.

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    Would buy here again

    Spinal surgery insurance claim

    I've recently had to submit a claim to my pet insurance company because my 10-month-old dog needed spinal surgery. Unfortunately, they turned down my claim even though I gave them a lot of proof to back up my case. The surgery ended up costing more than £7500, which is way more than my coverage limit of £1000. The insurance company said it was my fault for not looking after my dog properly to stop the accident, even though my garden fence was secure and there was no way my dog could have escaped. When they reviewed my claim again, they still didn't take into account the evidence I provided. I'm really disappointed with how they handled everything and I won't be recommending this insurance provider to anyone.

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