CCL Computers Reviews

: 23

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

87% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

C grade Netbook purchase
I bought a Netbook, the Geoflex 110, that was labeled as C grade but I'm really chuffed with...Read on
M. Thomas

Most relevant negative review

Graphic card purchase
I bought a graphic card from CCL Computers recently and I'm afraid my experience wasn't...Read on

Review with most votes

Rudder pedals for flight sim a
I was robbed me over there. Bought a rudder pedals (✈️)on ebay from them some time ago, there was...Read on

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Asus Monitor

    I can't fault anything, delivery was on time, monitor is great, happy all round

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    MSI 3070 Gaming X Trio

    Although they are a big company and do stand by their promises, one thing really annoyed me, and that's their RMA policy for graphics cards. My card was faulty so instead of replacing it, they refunded me without telling me. Card prices are shooting up and i now have to pay more for the same card, as well as wait for limited stock, and hope that i'm lucky enough to get one in the basket! i tried 8 times (across 8 different days) to try and get one measly graphics card, only to be the unlucky one with a faulty card. I told them to hold my money and just send me a card when they're in stock but no, they dont do that. I told them fine, put me on a high priority list as i've already bought one and should be eligible for first pick since my one was faulty, but no, they don't do that. So i guess customer satisfaction isn't a priority even though it's not costing them money! Absolutely annoyed with this company and how they treated me, i've used them since 2012 and have never experienced this kind of treatment before!

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    Would buy here again

    Graphic card

    Great customer service helpful and polite. Website updated showing stock available. No long wait on phone unlike another company I had previously placed order with. Would definitely purchase PC parts with ccl again. Thank you to the staff ????especially Christian.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Rudder pedals for flight sim app. 100€

    I was robbed me over there. Bought a rudder pedals (✈️)on ebay from them some time ago, there was an issue with that, so i've return it - no problem. But after few emails asking about the updates, they've just decided to stop replaying me. And now i have no rudder pedals, and no money. Great????

    To be fairly honest i didnt press it that much, i've never called them, just send a couple of emails. My life is quite busy and im not gonna cut myseldf for a stupid 100€, but still this is not the way to treat a custumer like that

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