Christmas Tree World Reviews

: 21

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90% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

6 ft Ultra Mountain Pine tree,
I've just bought a 6 ft Ultra Mountain Pine Christmas tree and a medium tree bag for storing...Read on

Most relevant negative review

7ft pre lit Pencillimo white t
I ordered the 7ft pre lit white Pencillimo tree for my hall. It’s very cheep looking, the bra...Read on
Yolande Booker

Review with most votes

Christmas tree
Worst christmas tree I have ever bought. Put up a few days before Christmas and for £60 the tree...Read on
Bernadette Roberts

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    7ft pre lit Pencillimo white tree

    I ordered the 7ft pre lit white Pencillimo tree for my hall. It’s very cheep looking, the branches don’t support baubles without bending and the lights didn’t work. I was asked for a day for them to collect it, when I messaged them for a collection time I was told to choose a different day because they’re not collecting it today.
    I definitely would not recommend this company to anyone. The customer service is appalling

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Christmas tree

    Worst christmas tree I have ever bought. Put up a few days before Christmas and for £60 the tree is cheaply made and the fiberoptics are longer than the branches and the bows are really cheaply made. Throwing this tree away as our of the returns policy. Never using this company again

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