illumination Reviews

: 22

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

55% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Ceiling lights
I had a really good experience with this company, even though I only realised after my order that...Read on
R. Hunt

Most relevant negative review

Purchased international lighti
I had a really awful experience with this company. They're not even in the UK, so I had to p...Read on
Sonia Hunt

Review with most votes

happy experience shopping from
We moved to a new place and I had to fix the new house. I needed some beautiful interiors that wo...Read on

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    LED light fitment with mirror glass surround

    My experience with was quite frustrating. I ordered an LED light with a mirror glass surround, but had to wait for four replacement mirror surrounds because they were damaged. Each replacement was subpar, and customer service over the phone was unresponsive. Fortunately, I received a response to my email and got a partial refund for my purchase, although it was not the full amount due to currency conversions. Overall, it was a disappointing experience, but at least I got some money back.

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    Would buy here again

    LED ceiling lights purchase

    I was so let down by the LED ceiling lights I bought from this company. Thought they were cheap, the quality was really poor. It didn't even take a year before they both packed up on me. Got refunds for them both, but the replacements did the same thing. It's pretty obvious that the company cares more about saving money than making good, lasting products. If you're thinking about getting some LED lights, I'd recommend finding a different supplier that you can trust.

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    Would buy here again

    Floor lamp

    Ordered a lamp on the 9th Jan . Received on 2nd Feb. Poor communication, indeed only support was when I contacted them and replies were basically the courier has it…so wait and see…. I subsequently found out my package was in customs, I contacted illumination again when I received a bill for over 40 pounds. I was asked to then scan the letter , email to Illumination who is a German company by the way who did thankfully refund me that money so I could pay parcel force. Finally - on arrival , a badly damaged box with a lamp that fell well short of expectations . It’s a beautiful design and looks good BUT …. Lamp is metal (knew this) but so badly finished it scratched the paint off my wall (it’s meant to fit against the wall), and one of the shelves has not been welded properly so have had to use super glue. It requires a UK adapter but this was thankfully supplied . I did receive an apology re the customs issue but this is not made in any way clear on their website.

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