Itch Petcare Reviews

: 24

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79% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Itch Calming treats
My experience with Itch Customer Services was absolutely fantastic. I got in touch about my pet&#...Read on
Y. Edwards

Most relevant negative review

Flea treatment for dogs
I've given the flea treatment from this company a go twice on both of my dogs, and I must sa...Read on
K. Moore

Review with most votes

Flea and worm
First delvery gave dog the pills flea and worm made him ill sick ill every where shaking phoned w...Read on
David Hill

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Flea and worm product

    I recently bought a flea and worm product from this company and it was a bit hit and miss. The first month, the product came on time and I was happy with the service. But for the next two months, I had to keep chasing up the delivery status using their online chat. Each time, the products were a whole week late, leaving my pet unprotected for longer. There was no heads up about the delay or any dispatch notification, which was pretty disappointing and annoying.

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    Would buy here again

    Bank card issue

    Oh, I just realised I lost my bank card and forgot to pay for my pet stuff from Itch Petcare. They were really cool about it, though. Even though I didn't receive my order, I messaged them on WhatsApp and you know what? It got delivered the next day! They're always so friendly and helpful. Big thanks to Itch Petcare for being awesome!

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    Would buy here again

    Cat flea & worming treatment

    I have 7 cats & this does definitely work. Good value for money & comes on time as well

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    Would buy here again

    3 flea treatments for my cats

    Never tried this product before always used Front line . Very impressed with how easy the site is to use and navigate around and loved the personalised boxes when they came. I am very, very pleased with the results and will not be using anything else, this stuff actually works and I have 3 flea free cats and a very happy me!

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    Would buy here again

    Flea and worm

    First delvery gave dog the pills flea and worm made him ill sick ill every where shaking phoned wanted to speak to some body for advice said phone me back never did sent a useless email ended up spending £69 at vets don't use if you value your dogs life use your own vets

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