YourStride Reviews

: 21

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Smart watch purchase for elder
I'm really chuffed with the smart watch I bought recently, specifically designed for elderly...Read on
Thomas Clark

Review with most votes

Smartwatch for safety
The smartwatch was a bit touchy at first, but once I tweaked the settings, it's been spot on...Read on
Fred Saunders

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Smartwatch for safety

    The smartwatch was a bit touchy at first, but once I tweaked the settings, it's been spot on. It's a relief to know that if I took a tumble, help would be on hand. Plus, the design is sleek and subtle, doesn't scream emergency alarm.

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    Would buy here again

    Lightweight and portable backpack for everyday use

    This backpack is just what I've been after - it's light, strong, and looks good. There's enough room for all my stuff without it being too big. The style is cool and modern, so it works for any situation. I've had it for a month and it's still in great condition, which is really impressive. In general, it has everything I want in a backpack.

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