Tough Mudder Reviews

: 23

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61% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

completed tough muddy course w
Myself and my eight workmates completed a super fun and challenging obstacle course last weekend!...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Refund Denied
It's just ridiculous that I can't even get a refund, even though they said in their Cov...Read on

Review with most votes

Awesome weekend I volunteer &a
I started doing Tough Mudder back in 2016 was only going to do one for charity. I volunteered to ...Read on
Emma Tysoe

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Obstacle course event experience

    I took part in an obstacle course event not long ago and I must say, I was pretty let down. It just wasn't challenging or exciting enough for me. The course was a breeze, with only a couple of obstacles that didn't really pose much of a challenge. It felt more like a casual jog than a proper obstacle course. Honestly, I was left feeling bored and unsatisfied by the whole experience.

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    Would buy here again

    Tough Mudder experience

    I just want to say, what a nightmare! The event really caused chaos in my local park, creating a huge mess that's just not on. The tractors completely wrecked the grass, leaving deep tracks and ruining the whole park. It's outrageous to think a company would believe it's fine to harm public property in this way. Why not choose a more appropriate venue for your event instead of destroying our parks?

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    Would buy here again

    Awesome weekend I volunteer & run

    I started doing Tough Mudder back in 2016 was only going to do one for charity. I volunteered to save money and had so much fun both volunteering and making new friends (my mudder family) that I keep coming back for more. The team onsite are amazing. I can't recommend tough mudder enough.

    How do you edit as it should say YES no idea why it saved wrong.

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    Would buy here again

    Best Obstacle Courses Available Around

    Tough Mudder gives extensive range of obstacle courses which are highly convincing and effective.
    I have been to all the great classes they have been offering.
    I loved the experience.
    If you are looking for something ideal in that case, this will be the best.

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