Ryman Reviews

: 24

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

75% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Online purchase
I recently bought something online from this company and I have to say, I was really impressed wi...Read on
L. Hunter

Most relevant negative review

Office supplies
I can't believe how awful my trip to the store was. The staff were so unhelpful and the cust...Read on
N. Miller

Review with most votes

Useful Products
I am running a small business. Rayman is a leading player of this field called office supply, als...Read on
Edger J.

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Online purchase frustration

    I made an online purchase not too long ago and was surprised to see that the delivery email said my parcel was headed to my business address. It was a nightmare trying to switch the delivery location to a local hub with awkward opening times. When I finally managed to collect my parcel, it had already been sent back. The whole thing was a total shambles and I ended up feeling really annoyed and let down.

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    Would buy here again


    please do yourselves a favour and never order from this company, ordered a printer and received an automated email 2 days later stating it had been dispatched, a week later it hadnt arrived so emailed the company to ask where it was, 3 emails later and still no reply, had to open a paypal dispute to try to get my money back.

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    Would buy here again

    Wacom 16 Graphic Tablet

    I ordered and paid for a Wacom 16 Graphic tablet and was told it would be here on the following Monday.
    Started getting concerned on Monday night as I hadn't received it and I also hadn't gotten an email to say it had even been shipped.
    Tried several times to get in touch with someone without success.
    The "Live Chat" is no such thing. It's automated and useless.
    There is no contact number either.
    After several attempts on the "Live Chat" and then emailing several times I STILL haven't heard back. It's now way past the delivery date.
    No one is calling me back.
    No one is emailing me.
    I've spent over £500 and have nothing to show for it.
    I then went on to look at reviews for the website and I WISH I had done that before ordering because they have awful reviews!
    I would never have used them had I seen all of the poor customer services and missing delivery reviews and comments.
    I'm absolutely gutted.

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    Would buy here again

    A wham grey storage box

    I bought some grey storage boxes to help organise my larger.. They arrived well packaged and quickly. The boxes are sturdy and the right size so I can fit two boxes per larder shelf. I can now find things ????.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Garden Arch

    Item arrived badly damaged. Customer services were difficult to contact, but eventually said item would be collected and refund given. 5 email contacts sent since and numerous phone calls, 2 of which promised Management were dealing with this issue. Item has at last been collected, but no refund has been given as yet and no contact from Ryman. Absolutely dreadful customer service...shame on you Mr TheoPathitis for being linked to this shambolic company!!! Seriously contemplating going to Trading standards.

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