Insuremore Travel Insurance Reviews

: 21

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38% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Refund request experience
I went with this insurance company because their prices were really good, and I also got a discou...Read on
R. Allen

Most relevant negative review

Stranded in France, unhelpful
I had a really bad time with my travel insurance when I got stuck in France in August because of ...Read on
Luke Richardson

Review with most votes

I trust blindly when it comes to insuremore. They are really great and provide accurate services ...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Emergency services worker travel insurance purchase

    I bought travel insurance a while ago before my holiday in April because I work in emergency services. Sadly, my trip was cancelled due to Covid, so I needed to claim back the money for my accommodation since my flights were refunded. Even though I got the insurance before anyone knew about the pandemic, Insuremore turned down my claim. It's been really disappointing and frustrating, and I feel like they let me down by not being more supportive and understanding during this tough time. I recommend being careful when thinking about using this insurance company.

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    Would buy here again

    Travel insurance purchase

    The travel insurance I got from this company was terrible, to be honest. It felt like every time I wanted to claim something, I was met with a new hurdle or excuse. They made me jump through hoops just to get any help, and even then, the service was pretty poor. And can you believe it - my phone wasn't covered for theft! After all the time and stress, I ended up feeling like I wasted my money on this policy.

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    Would buy here again

    Travel Insurance

    Very poor company and customer services. Took out insurance before Covid 19 at the start of 2020. All my holidays are cancelled and was told my policy will be invalid because of Covid. So I asked what’s the point in my policy then? they refused to answer and ignored all my forms of contact. My advice to everyone is avoid them & hopefully they will go bust!

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