Coast Reviews

: 22

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

55% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Fast and efficient customer se
I was really happy with the customer service I got when I messaged the company. The staff were su...Read on
Natasha Ward

Most relevant negative review

Dress purchase, Returned item
My recent experience buying a dress from Coast was really annoying. I got this lovely dress but h...Read on

Review with most votes

I bought a dress, still feels
I bought a dress for a theatre play. and actually wore at dress rehearsals, further in multiple p...Read on
Ava Chapman

Reviews (22)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    Coast is the worst company I have ever ordered online with. It's absolutely diabolical. I am still waiting for a refund that goes back to January this year for over £200! I placed an order in January this year and returned the items through Royal Mail promptly (I have proof of return). It took forever for Coast to acknowledge my return but I did eventually receive an email telling me it had received the goods and it would make the refund. I waited for my refund but it never came. In the meantime I was taken seriously ill into hospital and my recovery has taken months. Last month whilst checking over my accounts for the year I realised that they never did refund my money. I contacted customer services and they replied promptly and apologised and assured me that I would receive a refund. This was coming up a month ago. Still no refund has arrived. I have contacted customer services several times and they have responded quickly and promised me it would arrive in my PayPal within a few days. I now contact them daily but no longer receive a response. All my emails are ignored and they owe me over £200. It's been a year in January since the order and they still have my money. It's shocking that a high street brand such as Coast can be so appalling to it's customers. I will never ever purchase from them online or instore ever again.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    Multiple orders were placed, some items were no longer available and cancelled. Highly annoying as I'd already purchased these items. Returns are not processed in a timely manner. Multiple Customer services agents respond to the same complaint without reading previous emails and expect their clients to do all their work, they are not able to locate email addresses, contact details etc unless it's handed over on a plate. Furthermore, a factory fault on an item is being ignored. Clearly their quality assurance checks are substandard and Customer service process non existent.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    I bought a dress, still feels new

    I bought a dress for a theatre play. and actually wore at dress rehearsals, further in multiple player, the re-shows of the shows, you know and after 8 months, it still feel new.
    Thats's something defines the quality of it.
    I haven't tried other clothes but I surely loved it.

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