Kelkoo Reviews

: 21

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

14% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Online purchase for generating
Despite all the bad things I've heard about Kelkoo before, I thought I'd give it a go f...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Online ads
I had such a bad experience using this website for online ads. It was a disaster! There were load...Read on
P. Russell

Review with most votes

Best platform to get real wort
I always use kelkoo to evaluate the credibility and reliablity of products where it is dresses, b...Read on
Brian Colonel

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Fake PPC Traffic issue

    I've had a real problem with Kelkoo lately. They've been sending fake PPC traffic to my site pretty suddenly which is obviously dodgy. I've let Kelkoo know about it and asked for my money back for the last few months. It's important for people to know about this kind of scammy behaviour and steer clear of Kelkoo and their affiliates to avoid getting caught out.

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    Would buy here again

    Advertising campaign contract

    My experience with Kelkoo was really bad. I agreed to a 1-month advertising campaign to drive traffic to our website and increase sales, but it turned out to be a disaster. The account manager they assigned to us disappeared, leaving our account in a mess. They didn't properly optimise our campaign or make sure the tracking pixel was working. After weeks of confusion, I decided to cancel the contract because of their incompetence. However, they said we were stuck in the contract and demanded more money, despite their mistakes. They even threatened legal action for a small amount, showing no willingness to compromise. I suggest being cautious with Kelkoo and their dishonest practices.

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    Would buy here again

    Dodgy marketing tactics

    Kelkoo is just trying to trick you into wasting your money on fake clicks. They might make it sound like they can deliver great results, but really they're just draining your marketing budget and leaving you high and dry. It's like a bottomless pit for your business finances. Stay well away from them!

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    Would buy here again

    Shopping online

    I had a go at shopping online with Kelkoo, but it was a terrible experience. They were doing some dodgy things like click fraud and clickjacking, which is not fair at all. I wouldn't recommend using them.

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    Would buy here again

    Digital advertising campaign

    My time with Kelkoo was absolutely dreadful. The ads went live without my permission, and my budget was used up in just 2 days. The traffic seemed dodgy, with bounce rates unlike anything I've seen before. I had no idea where my ads were being shown or where the traffic was coming from. The customer service was terrible, no one was there to help or fix any issues. All I got were emails chasing me or demanding payment. Any attempts to discuss the issues were ignored. I would strongly suggest avoiding Kelkoo for advertising. The customer service was so bad, I recommend running as far away from Kelkoo as possible.

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    Would buy here again

    Online advertising experience

    I had a really bad time with that online advertising service. It was so hard to reach the account manager, and when we told them about our concerns, they just ignored us. We got loads of clicks on our ads, but hardly any actual sales, which makes me think something fishy was going on, even though I can't prove it yet. I'd say to anyone thinking of using this service to be really careful.

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    Would buy here again

    school supplies

    It's incredibly frustrating trying to navigate this website, honestly, why is it so hard? It feels like they don't even want you to find what you're after. I wasted ages just searching for basic stuff like pens and notebooks. Ugh. I'd rather use a different site like Pricerunner, much simpler to use and find what you want.

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    Would buy here again

    Product search

    This website is just useless. I was looking for a particular product, but a lot of the stuff that came up was old and not what I wanted. The price slider thing doesn't work properly at all, so it's really hard to find what you're after. Honestly, do yourself a favour and try a different price comparison site instead.

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