Love Your Home Reviews

: 21

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100% Would buy here again

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Sofa set purchase
The delivery service from Love Your Home, Ash and Darren, was brilliant! They phoned me before ar...Read on

Review with most votes

I was living in a two bedroom apartment before with my family and we were managing. I believe tha...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Blanket box delivery

    I bought a blanket box from Love Your Home recently and I have to say that the service I got was top-notch. Gareth and Mark, who delivered it, were really friendly, helpful, and knew their stuff. They made the delivery super easy and stress-free.

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    Would buy here again

    Oscar Wing Back chair- replacement leg

    Yesterday, Ash and Darren came over to fix the wonky leg on my chair. They were both really friendly and knew so much about furniture. Unfortunately, none of the legs they had with them were the right size for my chair. So now, I'll have to wait for another appointment to get it sorted.

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