Madison & Mayfair Reviews

: 4

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

50% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Black panther on plinth
I actually bought this really cool black panther statue on a base from this shop, but when it arr...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Furniture Set
I bought a furniture set from this company recently and it was a total disaster. The quality was ...Read on

Review with most votes

Pink pom pom throw, gold flami
I recently bought some stuff from this company and I was well chuffed with what I got. The pink p...Read on
Barry Richardson

Reviews (4)






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    Would buy here again

    Pink pom pom throw, gold flamingo ornament, pink pampas grass

    I recently bought some stuff from this company and I was well chuffed with what I got. The pink pom pom throw is dead soft and proper good quality. The gold flamingo ornament, which I thought might be a bit small, actually turned out to be a nice surprise size-wise. And the pink pampas grass really added a nice touch to me home decor. The stuff came quickly and was wrapped up dead nice, making the whole shopping experience dead lovely. I'll definitely be going back for more in the future.

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    Would buy here again

    Black panther on plinth

    I actually bought this really cool black panther statue on a base from this shop, but when it arrived, the base was all broken. So, I sent them an email on Monday afternoon with a picture of the damage, and guess what? By Friday, I got a brand new replacement. The lady, Kate, who helped me out with all this was just fantastic. I really can't thank her enough for the great customer service.

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    Would buy here again

    Furniture Set

    I bought a furniture set from this company recently and it was a total disaster. The quality was really bad, with lots of dents and scratches on every piece. When I tried to return it, customer service told me to give it to charity. After a lot of back and forth, they finally agreed to a refund but then said they actually needed the item back first. It was all so frustrating and a huge waste of my time and money.

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    Would buy here again


    I ordered some keychains for my mates because they were dead cute and I wanted to give them a nice surprise. But when I went on the website to order them, I registered so I could nab a discount code. But would you believe it? I never received the code! I dropped an email to their customer service, and they told me I never actually signed up. What a con! I can't be bothered with all this nonsense, so I'm going to shop somewhere else instead!

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