Nail Polish Direct Reviews

: 23

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

87% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

First-time purchase, nail poli
As a first-time buyer from this company, I just wanted to share how happy I am with the whole exp...Read on

Most relevant negative review

China Glaze nail polish
I bought a China Glaze nail polish from this company and I was really let down with how it all we...Read on
L. Harrison

Review with most votes

Nail polishes
Recieved my order in a disgusting state! A small box which stunk of nail polish, as I feared when...Read on

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Hema Free nail polish products

    I've been using this website for a long time now and I've always been happy with what I've bought. But my most recent purchase really let me down. I only buy Hema Free nail polish, so I carefully filtered the website to find those products before putting 3 items in my basket and checking out. Unfortunately, when I got my order confirmation, I saw that 2 out of the 3 products were not actually Hema Free like they were supposed to be. This mistake is not okay and the company definitely needs to sort it out.

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    Would buy here again

    Bold and beautiful nail polish

    These nail polishes are amazing, they totally change the game! The colours are so bright and they last for ages, making my nails look fantastic for days. I just can't get enough of them!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Gel nail varnish purchase

    The gel nail varnish I bought was just like how it looked on the website. It was easy to put on and stayed on for about 2 weeks, as they said. I particularly liked that I could easily remove it with the peel back base, which made everything so much easier. In the end, I'm happy with how good the product is.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Nail polishes

    Recieved my order in a disgusting state! A small box which stunk of nail polish, as I feared when I opened it, a bottle had exploded and nail polish had leaked onto the other four bottles and packaging. It was so strong I had to quickly take photos and bin the lot, five polishes gone! Expensive ones too. The packaging was careless smushing five bottles together in a tiny box instead of individually wrapping them and using a ... box for padding which most beauty companies do.

    I emailed Nail polish direct and they said the only way they can refund me for this mess was if I went routing through the bin and sent the leaked nail polish and damaged bottles back to them. All the bottles were sticky, covered in polish, labels and packaging ruined. The company have done nothing to put this right. They expect their customers to return leaked nail polish and broken glass to them, that's not even safe and no courier would even accept that. Disgusting way to treat orders and customers. DON'T buy from them, they don't give a ... about your order or your custom. Your bottles will break or explode in the post as their packaging is minimal.

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