Pamono Reviews

: 21

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

81% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Lamp purchased in January
I bought this really cool lamp from Pamono back in January and it was honestly amazing! The custo...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Expensive furniture purchase
I was really let down by my experience with Pamono. I bought some expensive furniture from them, ...Read on

Review with most votes

Good idea
This is all about choice of individuals. I am very choosy about my house interiors but what Pamon...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Antique dining table purchase

    The shipper was brilliant, they were really great from Poland! But the communication was just terrible - so difficult to speak to the seller directly with all the misunderstandings and language barriers. I had a particular question about the table, and it took days to get a response. And trying to negotiate a price was impossible. In the end, I just had to hope for the best and buy it.

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    Would buy here again

    Unique wall light

    I bought this really cool wall light from Pamono and I was so happy with how fast it arrived and how well it was packaged. The glass shade was in perfect condition when it arrived, and the wiring was all set up just like they said it would be. I'll definitely be thinking about shopping with Pamono again in the future, because I absolutely adore my new light!

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