Sofa Club Reviews

: 22

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Chelsea right hand corner sofa
We got the Chelsea right hand corner sofa and it does look nice, but it's not that comfy, to...Read on

Most relevant negative review

New sofa for my bedroom
I was really excited to get a new sofa for my bedroom. But the delivery service ended up being te...Read on

Review with most votes

Sofa set
I recently bought a sofa set from this company and I must say, I am really impressed. The custome...Read on

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Sofa delivery

    I recently ordered a sofa from this company and had no problems with placing the order. However, the delivery experience was a total nightmare. The delivery ended up being over an hour late, and the delivery person seemed pretty irritated. They were about to just leave the sofa on the pavement! Eventually, they brought it in but were complaining the whole time. Fortunately, we managed to put the sofa together ourselves, and it was thankfully really easy.

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    Would buy here again

    Sofa club provided excellent customer service

    I was really impressed with the customer service from Sofa Club. They knew their stuff and dealt with all my questions quickly. They even called me to make sure my sofa would fit in my place. The delivery team was great too, they put the sofa together without me having to tell them what to do. They did it all really well.

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    Would buy here again

    Sofa purchase with replacement

    I bought a sofa from the outlet and had a little problem with a broken zip. But, I was really impressed with the great customer service from Dan. He sorted it out quickly over WhatsApp and even arranged for a new sofa to be delivered the very next day. I really appreciate all the help and support from Dan.

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