The Couture Club Reviews

: 22

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

73% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Hoodie and joggers for grandda
The things I bought were just right for my granddaughter's birthday present. The website was...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Faulty item received
I bought something from this company and it turned out to be faulty. I got in touch with customer...Read on

Review with most votes

delightful experience shopping
If you want to make a fashion statement, you want to stand out , you want something out of the us...Read on

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Next day delivery disappointment

    I bought some clothes the other day and chose next day delivery because I needed them in a hurry. It's been more than a day now since I placed my order and still no sign of the clothes. I'm starting to think they won't arrive in time for my holiday this week. This delay is really frustrating and disappointing because I was counting on the speedy delivery service.

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    Would buy here again

    Tracksuit, disappointing quality, store credit.

    I bought a tracksuit from this company the other day, and I have to say I was pretty let down by the quality. I only wore it once and already the material was starting to bobble, which was really unexpected considering how much it cost me.

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    Would buy here again

    Fleece Jackets 3 x

    I bought from Couture Club through Asos previously and had no issues, buying straight through Couture Club this time has turned into a nightmare. After I waited for stock to come in and finally it came back for 3 jackets in my size I made the purchase. I was so excited I kept checking my app for updates, running a business, studying and working full time I checked maybe 1 x a week on my app, it kept saying "we've received your order we will let you know when it is ready to be dispatched". I was patient but after a month of nit receiving my item I contacted Couture Club (CC) asking them to change the delivery to my local pick up store just in case I miss my parcel due to how busy I am. Charlotte was the one that responded a few days later to my enquiry and told me she can't help me. Therefore I contacted evri instead. As weeks went on I still didn't receive my parcel so I contacted CC again. It was Charlotte that responded once again and said the parcel was sent. I then contacted Evri who only just changed from Hermes to Evri.. after back and forth emails said that the last time they have a record of my parcel was at the depot and parcel has not been seen since. 😐 Evri told me I need to go back to the store as that is who I have insurance cover with for lost items. I was told CC could put a claim through insurance which then would mean I could get a refund or replacement of items. Charlotte from CC had no intent of assisting me or looking at my best interest, after all I am the only person who lost our in the process, no items or my refund and she kept arguing that now it is past 30 days since I paid for my item that I have no grounds to try and get back my refund. She refused to acknowledge that CC had any fault and that just because the app kept saying that my item will shortly be dispatched gave me no leaniance with this 30 days time frame she kept defending herself with. I was just being patient thinking that ordering stock from head office was taking longer than usual due to diesel shortages or something so kept hanging in there waiting instead of harassing CC as to where my items are and now got punished for it. Was nearly a month of me contacting Evri, Charlotte from CC, using Resolver system to try and get a good solution and nobody wanted to help. All unhelpful covering they're assess and pointing the blame to someone else. With +£280 out of pocket I finally contacted PayPal which I used to make a payment. Whilst Charlotte from CC still kept poorly defending herself through the Case I opened in PayPal, PayPal took the responsibility for the negligence I received and refunded me the full amount. A responsible and customer centered service people they are, unlike the other shameful companies. As much as CC was a company I spend about £ 4000 on so far, (have so many of theire items people used to joke I should be they're influencer) I won't spend a penny anymore for the simple reason of the Customer Service attitude. I wonder how the 2 company owners would feel if they knew how they're company was being portrayed, loosing a valuable customer for £280...
    PayPal was what saved me in the end, always pay w/ PayPal - don't trust anyone else.

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