The Oak Bed Store Reviews

: 21

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Recent bed purchase
I recently bought something from your shop and I have to say I'm really happy with how good ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Quick order, good quality item
I recently bought some bedroom furniture from this shop, and it was a really quick and easy proce...Read on
Kelly Owen

Review with most votes

The mattress is so damn good
i recently changed my old mattress and the new one is just too damn good. its comfortable, soft ...Read on
Davina James

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Mayfair oak bed

    I'm absolutely loving my new Mayfair oak bed! Putting it together was a breeze and it feels really solid. The mattress is incredibly comfortable, like sleeping on a cloud, and the bedside tables are just gorgeous. I feel so regal sleeping in this bed!

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    Would buy here again

    The mattress is so damn good

    i recently changed my old mattress and the new one is just too damn good. its comfortable, soft and also i can take my sleep without any discomfort. i will recommend this if you have trouble in sleeping as they are providing the best mattress out there.

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