Rakuten TV Reviews

: 24

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83% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Fun TV series with diverse con
I really enjoy watching TV series because they are so entertaining and diverse, giving us a peek ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Film rental rip-off
This is ridiculous! I rented a film, paid for it, and all I can watch is the trailer. Do you thin...Read on
Ben Cook

Review with most votes

Loved it
just started using it and this is so good. they cover most of the shows with excellent quality ....Read on
Gigi Tylor

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    My film search

    The website was so easy to find films and choose one to rent. But then, when I paid and was all set to watch it, I was told I needed to use a different browser. It's really frustrating! Why can't they make it compatible with the regular ones? Feeling annoyed now, I have to go and download a whole new browser just to watch the movie. It's not cool, man.

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    Would buy here again

    TV channels not working

    On Sunday evening, June 26th, I had some problems with the TV channels. No matter how many times I tried to restart the search, I couldn't get the channels from Rakuten TV to show up. I even attempted to watch a movie (2050), but that didn't work out either. It was really frustrating and disappointing to come across these issues.

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    Would buy here again

    Unauthorized purchase

    Someone managed to hack into my account and purchased something without my knowledge. But, no need to fret, I was able to get my money back very promptly. Thank goodness for that!

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    Would buy here again

    Issue with charged film

    I've had a bit of trouble lately with being charged for a film I didn't even ask for. But, when I got in touch with customer service, they got back to me really quickly and sorted it out in no time. I'm grateful for their fast action and their willingness to put things right.

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    Would buy here again

    Loved it

    just started using it and this is so good. they cover most of the shows with excellent quality . apart from that, offer huge range in various categories. they also get some rare shows which is totally amazing for people like me

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