Open Study College Reviews

: 20

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Adult and Social Care certific
I just want to say how thankful I am for the chance to study Adult and Social Care on this platfo...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Distance Learning Course
The distance learning course I bought from this college turned out to be a letdown. The tutor, Ke...Read on
Justine Wilson

Review with most votes

Course enrollment
I recently signed up for a course and I must say, I was really impressed with the support I recei...Read on

Reviews (20)






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    Would buy here again

    Adult and Social Care certification

    I just want to say how thankful I am for the chance to study Adult and Social Care on this platform. This industry is really close to my heart, and I've always wanted to work in it. Balancing work and study was a real struggle for me, but this course has been a game-changer, giving me the flexibility to chase my dreams without giving up my job. The content is top-notch and really interesting, I feel like I'm learning a lot of useful stuff that will help me in my future career. The tutors have been amazing too, always there to help and give advice. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone thinking about getting into Adult and Social Care.

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    Would buy here again

    Distance learning course

    I've just signed up for an online course and I must say, I had a really good experience with the college. When I first filled in the application form on their website, I was pleasantly surprised to get a phone call within an hour from a really nice guy. He took the time to explain everything about the course, how the college works, and the kind of support and resources I could expect. The staff were all very helpful and knowledgeable, which made me feel confident in my choice to study here. The whole process was really easy and I'd definitely recommend this college to a friend who's thinking about furthering their education.

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    Would buy here again

    Advisor, qualification, helpful, accommodating, learning materials

    I got in touch with a college advisor to get some advice on the qualifications I need for my career. The advisor, Ali, was really helpful and knew their stuff. Even though I work night shifts and can only chat during certain times of the day, Ali was really accommodating and we found times that worked for me. It made things a lot easier and less stressful. I'm excited to get my learning materials and start my educational journey soon.

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    Would buy here again

    Enrolled for Psychology A Level

    I've just signed up to do Psychology A Level and I've got to say, it was a great experience. David, the guy I spoke to, was really helpful and knew his stuff. He asked me lots of questions to make sure the course was right for me, which was nice. His friendly approach made everything simple and easy. I can't wait to get started on my psychology studies, all thanks to the great service from Open Study College and David.

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    Would buy here again

    Distance Learning Course

    The distance learning course I bought from this college turned out to be a letdown. The tutor, Kerry, wasn't very good at getting back to me, and when she did, her instructions were unclear and needed more explanation, which slowed things down. It felt like the course was intentionally drawn out to get students to pay for extensions. Even after I complained multiple times, the problems didn't get fixed. If anyone's thinking of signing up with this college, I'd suggest looking at other options first.

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    Would buy here again

    Psychology QLS Level 4 course

    I really enjoyed my experience with the support staff at the college, especially Liz. She was incredibly clear and helpful in explaining all my options and what the college could provide. It made everything run smoothly and I'm really thankful for her help.

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    Would buy here again

    Distance learning course enrolment

    I've just started a distance learning course and I have to say, the people at the college have been amazing. Going back to studying as a mature student can be daunting, but the staff's help has made a huge difference. Rebecca and Liz, in particular, have been really supportive and quick to respond. Their encouragement has made me feel more confident as I begin this new educational chapter.

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    Would buy here again

    Course enrollment

    I recently signed up for a course and I must say, I was really impressed with the support I received from the staff member. They took the time to answer all my questions and gave me some great advice to help me pick the right course. Their customer service was top-notch and made me feel really good about my choice. Huge thanks to the staff member for all their help - you're a star!

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    Would buy here again

    Course transfer assistance

    I got in touch with customer service the other day about transferring courses and Liz was an absolute star from start to finish. She was quick to reply to my emails and made sure to explain everything clearly. Thanks to her expertise and professionalism, the course transfer was easy peasy. I really appreciate all her help and would definitely recommend this service to anyone else.

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    Would buy here again

    Enrolment assistance by Darren

    Darren was just so helpful when I was signing up, he really took his time to walk me through everything and didn't mind all my questions. I only meant to sign up for one course, but with Darren's help I ended up enrolling in three! Liz was great too, she was always there to support me with my studies and answer any other questions I had.

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    Would buy here again

    CBT and mindfulness course

    I rang up to enquire about a CBT and mindfulness course and had a chat with Tahshin and Ashleigh, who were really helpful and friendly. They gave me all the information I needed and made signing up a piece of cake. I'm really looking forward to starting my course now!

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    Would buy here again

    Course purchase

    I really enjoyed chatting with the person on the phone, they were really kind and understanding. They explained everything clearly and made sure I understood what was happening. It was just fantastic!

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    Would buy here again

    Bought Level 3 Sociology course

    Ashleigh was amazing! She really helped me understand the Level 3 Sociology course and said I shouldn't have much trouble because of all the Level 2 knowledge I have. She was really kind and made me feel much better about it all!

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    Would buy here again

    Course purchase explained

    I purchased a course and the person who assisted me was incredibly friendly and helpful. They explained everything I needed to know, from what the course would cover to how to sign up and pay for it. It really boosted my confidence in my decision.

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    Would buy here again

    Returning student excited about starting

    I just wanted to share that I had a really good experience with Ali. He was so helpful and made me feel really positive and confident about the courses and support available. Ali was friendly, gave me some great advice, and now I'm really looking forward to getting back into my studies.

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    Would buy here again

    Helpful customer service

    The customer service team were really helpful and kind when I gave them a ring. They answered all my questions and made sure I didn't have any doubts about my purchase. They were really patient with me, even though I asked a lot of questions.

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    Would buy here again

    Enrolment course advice

    I had a chat with a guy called Luke about the course I want to sign up for. He was so helpful and gave me some really good advice that got me feeling excited and ready to start studying. I really appreciated his support and now I can't wait to get stuck into my course.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Course information

    I was really pleased with how helpful the staff were when I asked about signing up for a course. They gave me all the information I needed and helped me make the right choice. It was obvious they knew their stuff about the courses and could answer any questions I had.

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    Would buy here again

    Quick and Easy Enrolment

    I must say, enrolling was a piece of cake all thanks to Luke. He went out of his way to help me and I am absolutely delighted with the service I got. Luke was patient, friendly, and just lovely the whole way through. He definitely deserves credit for his amazing customer service - someone needs to give that man a pay bump!

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