: 21

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43% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

tracker and subscription purch
Oh my gosh, I've just got this really cool tracker and subscription from this place, and it&...Read on
J. Phillips

Most relevant negative review

Watch for tracking father with
I bought a watch to keep an eye on my dad, who was struggling with dementia. Sadly, the watch did...Read on

Review with most votes

GPS tracker
I recently bought a GPS tracker from this company and I'm disappointed with it. Most of the ...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    GPS tracker

    I recently bought a GPS tracker from this company and I'm disappointed with it. Most of the time, it doesn't connect to the internet properly, so I have to keep restarting it, which doesn't always work. Also, the app won't let me set up a geofence because I can't centre a place on the map and put in the distance I want. I've asked for help twice since I got it a month ago, but I still haven't heard back. I don't trust this tracker to keep my boy safe, so I wouldn't suggest it to anyone else.

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    Would buy here again

    Cat tracer purchase

    I bought a tracker for my cat to keep an eye on where she goes. When it arrived, it was too big and heavy for my 4 kg cat. I was disappointed with the size and weight, so I decided to send it back. However, I never got my money back for it. I tried to get in touch with customer service several times, and they asked me to show proof that I'd sent it back. I gave them the proof, but then they stopped talking to me and I never got a solution. It's made me feel really frustrated and unhappy with both the quality of the product and the customer service.

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