: 21

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43% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

tracker and subscription purch
Oh my gosh, I've just got this really cool tracker and subscription from this place, and it&...Read on
J. Phillips

Most relevant negative review

Watch for tracking father with
I bought a watch to keep an eye on my dad, who was struggling with dementia. Sadly, the watch did...Read on

Review with most votes

GPS tracker
I recently bought a GPS tracker from this company and I'm disappointed with it. Most of the ...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    GPS tracker for cat

    I wasn't sure about buying a GPS tracker for our cat at first because I didn't know if she would wear it or if it would work properly. Turns out, she ended up accepting it and it's been pretty good. However, the silicone case made her lose some fur under her neck, but she doesn't seem bothered by it. The location feature can be a bit strange, as it always defaults to the local tower when she's near the house, but once she moves away, we can track her location. The accuracy isn't perfect, it's a few meters off and sometimes takes a few minutes to update, but it gets the job done. The tracking isn't like a map, it's more point to point which isn't perfect but it's alright. The battery lasts about three to four days before needing to be recharged, and I usually top it up when it's at around 20% just to be safe. Overall, it's not a bad entry-level product.

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    Would buy here again

    Watch tracker with voice SIM

    I recently bought a watch tracker with a voice SIM for my elderly mother to keep an eye on her. I had some questions about the product before I bought it, and the company was really helpful in giving me all the info I needed. When the watch arrived, it was super easy to set it up and connect to the app that came with it. The set up was quick and smooth, which was a relief for me as I'm not great with technology. Since my mother started using the watch, I've been able to relax knowing that she can easily get in touch with me just by pressing a button if she needs help. The one-button call feature has made communication easy and simple for her, and she's even been able to answer my calls with no trouble. Overall, I'm really impressed with the product and the service from the company.

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    Would buy here again

    Cat tracker purchase

    I bought a cat tracker for my rescue cat not long ago and honestly, I'm so happy with it. It's a huge relief to be able to keep an eye on where she goes during the day, it really puts my mind at ease and stops me worrying so much about her safety. The company's customer service was great when I had a question about the tracker too, they got back to me on the same day with some really useful info. The monthly cost for the service is pretty fair and even though it renews automatically, they let you know well in advance so it's no trouble at all. I like that I can cancel my subscription whenever I want to, it's nice to have that freedom.

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    Would buy here again

    Cat tracking bell upgrade

    We got this really cool bell upgrade for our cat because we lost the first one. The company sent it to us for free, which was really kind of them. Now we can ring the bell if we think our cat has been outside for too long, and he actually seems to recognise it! It has made us really happy. We recently went to Tenerife North and could keep an eye on our cat all the way from Belfast, which was absolutely awesome.

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    Would buy here again

    Watch for tracking father with dementia

    I bought a watch to keep an eye on my dad, who was struggling with dementia. Sadly, the watch didn't work properly right from the start. I tried contacting customer support three times by email, but got no reply. After just a few weeks, we gave up on the watch altogether because it was just a waste of time. We decided not to ask for a refund due to the terrible service we were getting. Sadly, my dad passed away in August. When I checked my bank statement recently, I was shocked to see that I had been charged for another subscription without any warning or chance to cancel. The way this company ignores their responsibilities and treats customers is shocking. I strongly recommend avoiding their services altogether.

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    Would buy here again

    Cat tracker

    I purchased a cat tracker from them last year and it was a complete disaster. The tracker never worked properly and kept providing incorrect locations for my cat. It was as if my cat was magically appearing two miles away from me! I believed I had terminated the service because it was pointless, but this morning I discovered that they had renewed my subscription without consulting me! They even utilised my bank card information without my consent. I never received the replacement devices they assured. This company is a complete scam and I feel incredibly let down.

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    Would buy here again

    GPS tracker for cat

    I recently got a GPS tracker for my cat and I have to say, it's pretty cool. However, the battery life isn't great. I find it a bit confusing to turn on and off due to the various noises it makes. There are times when I unintentionally leave it on because I can't quite figure out if it's actually on or off. Despite that, it's been really helpful in keeping track of my cat.

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    Would buy here again

    Cat tracker purchase

    I was beginning to think this company had vanished into thin air, their communication was really bad. But thankfully, they've sorted out the problem and even sent me a new tracker. They're now replying to emails, so it seems like they're up and running again. The tracker is light and works perfectly. My cat has taken a shine to it, we enjoy keeping tabs on his escapades!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cat tracker purchase

    I got a cat tracker from this shop right before Christmas cause the other place was too dear. It's really small and my cat doesn't even clock it. Setting it up was dead easy and keeping tabs on my cat is a doddle (once you figure out the wifi and gps, lol). The subscriptions aren't too steep and the customer service team is dead quick to lend a hand.

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    Would buy here again

    tracker and subscription purchase

    Oh my gosh, I've just got this really cool tracker and subscription from this place, and it's like, super reliable. I found out about it because my friend recommended it and the price was pretty good. It actually works and allows me to see where my cat goes! But, you know, trying to track my cat in real-time is impossible because cats move so quickly.

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    Would buy here again

    Elderly watch purchase

    The watch I bought for my elderly spouse turned out to be a real let-down. Not only did it not work properly, but the customer support was really lacking too. I got in touch with the company several times to get some technical help, and every time they just said the watch wasn't suitable for what it was meant for. It was really frustrating to deal with all of this, especially because I'm looking after my husband who has Parkinson's and dementia. On top of that, they actually sent me another watch without even asking for the first one back, so now I've got two watches that don't work. It was all really confusing and just made things more stressful for me.

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    Would buy here again

    GPS tracker purchase

    I'm really disappointed with my GPS tracker from UBEEQUEE. It keeps going offline every two weeks and no matter how many times I contact customer service, the issue isn't resolved. They promised to send me a new SIM card over a week ago, but it still hasn't arrived. Their communication is pretty poor, they haven't given me a clear explanation for why this keeps happening. It's really frustrating and now I'm starting to doubt how reliable their products are. Meanwhile, my poor cat is out and about without his tracker on, and it's making me really anxious and uncomfortable.

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    Would buy here again

    Delayed Order

    I've recently bought something from this company, and it really hasn't been a great experience. Even though they said they'd send me another one because the first was damaged, I still haven't got it. It's been a while now, and the fact that they're not keeping me in the loop is so annoying. I'm getting close to reaching out to the authorities about this.

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    Would buy here again

    Tracker malfunctions, poor service, refund issue

    My experience with this company has been really disappointing. I bought two trackers, but they stopped working soon after. Even when they sent me new sim cards, the problem continued with the error message "not connected to internet". The customer service team advised me to buy new devices at a discount, but that wasn't necessary since the trackers were hardly used. I had paid for my contract upfront, but now that I've cancelled my subscription, they're keeping my money for 6/7 months for one tracker and 11 months for the other. I've been asking for a refund, but they're refusing to give it, which doesn't seem fair.

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    Would buy here again

    Tracker watch purchase for disabled brother's independence

    I bought a tracker watch from your store for my disabled brother, who uses it to be more independent and catch the bus to his groups three times a week. The problem is, the device is not working well at all. It keeps showing him in different places that he's not actually at. It's worrying because the device is meant to be good for tracking people with dementia. If someone went missing, this watch wouldn't be much help. In the end, buying this was just a waste of money.

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    Would buy here again

    GPS tracker for dog

    We bought a GPS tracker for our dog from this company and it's been a bit disappointing overall. The battery life is really poor, only lasting a couple of days before needing a recharge. They said we'd get SMS messages when the battery is low but that feature has never worked for us. The notifications in the app are unreliable too, because the app keeps shutting down due to the low battery, so we don't really get them. The charger attachment with small magnets is really annoying - it's not secure at all, so we've ended up using bluetack instead. The accuracy of the tracker is also a bit questionable - sometimes it's spot on, sometimes it's way off. After putting up with these problems for 2 years, we've decided not to renew our subscription. And being limited to contacting customer service via email only isn't great for us - we prefer more direct ways to sort out issues.

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    Would buy here again

    Fitness tracker purchase

    I bought a fitness tracker from this company and it's brilliant, does exactly what it's supposed to. I'd definitely suggest it to anyone after a good tracker. But, I've got to say, the customer service is just terrible. I keep getting charged too much every month, and I've had real difficulty trying to cancel my subscription. It's so annoying having to always double-check my bank statements to make sure I haven't been ripped off. I wouldn't expect this kind of poor service from a company that's supposed to be proud of its products.

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    Would buy here again

    SIM card device

    My SIM card device stopped working after just a few months, and the app kept saying "Device Offline". Their answer was to buy a new device, on top of the yearly fee I already paid. The location tracking for my pet was all over the place, with sudden jumps of 500m in seconds. I never really trusted the device to be accurate or reliable, to be honest.

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    Would buy here again

    New technology device

    I have to admit, I do think the concept behind this new tech gadget is really clever. But as a customer, I personally don't feel like the technology is quite up to scratch yet. I've had to ask for 3 new SIM cards at no cost because I keep getting the annoying "Not connected to the Internet" error. Even after getting a replacement unit because of damage, I'm still having the same issue. And to top it off, this all happened over a Bank Holiday weekend when I needed it most. Although I know UBEEQUEE will sort it out, my trust in the product has definitely been shaken.

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