Cosmos Reviews

: 24

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

63% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Flights and hotel package
I just bought a flights and hotel deal from an online travel agency and it all went really smooth...Read on
H. Owen

Most relevant negative review

Greek holiday
Just got back from a DIY holiday in Greece with ENTERAIR - the new airline we tried out. Let me t...Read on
C. Turner

Review with most votes

Travel, hotel and tours
I have come to realize that sometimes to go on a holiday tour does not have to force one to break...Read on

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Online shopping experience

    I must admit, I was really impressed with my online shopping experience. The prices were fair and there were no hidden fees or unexpected surprises at checkout. I would definitely recommend this online store to anyone in search of a stress-free shopping spree.

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    Would buy here again

    Two holidays, both excellent

    This year, I was lucky enough to go on two holidays with this company that specialises in travel. I went on one trip with Monarch and another with them, and I must say, both were absolutely fantastic. The holiday experience was top-notch and went above and beyond what I had expected, especially considering how reasonably priced it was. I am really impressed with the level of service they provided, and I will certainly be booking with them again for my next holiday.

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    Would buy here again

    Property search website

    I've just been on this property search website, looking at houses for sale and rent in the UK. They said they have a great search engine for all sorts of properties - from houses and new homes to places overseas. I was pretty pumped to have found a trustworthy site to assist me in my hunt for a new place to live.

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    Would buy here again

    Recent holiday experience

    I've just got back from a trip to Tenerife that I booked through a travel company. The hotel and transfers were fine, but the service from our rep wasn't so great. When we arrived, my boyfriend left his phone on the transfer bus, and even though we told the rep about it, she didn't really sort it out. She said she'd contact the bus company, but got the opening times wrong. Her directions for excursions weren't very clear either, and it turned out we could have saved money booking online ourselves. She promised to help with the lost phone, but we never heard anything back or got any help. And she wasn't around when she said she would be to help guests. All in all, our rep let us down big time.

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    Would buy here again

    Cancelled holiday, lost money

    I had to cancel my holiday with a big company the other day because I got really ill and couldn't go. They wouldn't give me any money back, even though I'd paid quite a bit for the trip. To make matters worse, I had to post some items to the hotel, and they were trying to charge me 15 euros to send them back to me. How greedy can you get? They wouldn't even cut me some slack, even though I'd spent a fortune with them. Why are they all so unhelpful and money-hungry these days?

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