Vinatis Reviews

: 21

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76% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Small Grower Champagne selecti
My time with Vinatis has been really great. I've been shopping there regularly since Christm...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Champagne sabre in oak box
I ordered something from a website that starts with a V, and it was meant to be really cool with ...Read on

Review with most votes

Red Wine
Ordered two batches. Both had mistakes with a different wind than the one ordered being sent. ...Read on
Sarah Davies

Reviews (21)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again


    I ordered 9 bottles of wine from Vinatis before Christmas. 3 of these bottles were delivered pretty quickly, and I had a notification that the remaining 6 would be delivered by DPD a few days later. On the day of delivery, I checked the tracking to discover DPD had disposed of the rest of my order due to damage. These things happen, but I could not believe the experience I went on to receive from Vinatis in order to get a refund.
    Firstly they stated that these had been delivered. I provided numerous items of evidence to proove that DPD had not delivered most of my order. Yet still, they refused to belive me, acused me of lying and for weeks refused to refund me. I have never been treated so badly and with such levels of distrust by a company. At one point they even asked me to send a written statement with a copy of my passport (fat chance!)!

    In the end, I had to raise a dispute through Paypal. Even then they refused to refund me for the delivery charge!! Fortunately this company is not currently operating for UK delivery and I hope they never do again. If they do, I strongly advise avoiding this company like the plague. Their morals, customer service and attitude is nothing short of disgusting.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Red Wine

    Ordered two batches. Both had mistakes with a different wind than the one ordered being sent. Both were cheaper wines than ordered. Tried multiple times to get this sorted out with customer service by email ( they have suspended their telephone service ) and have had no response at all. Service sounds great but does not deliver. AVOID

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