Waggel Reviews

: 23

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74% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Pet insurance cancellation pro
I had to cancel my cat insurance policy recently because I took in a rescue cat but sadly had to ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Easy claims process
Waggel might be good at dealing with claims, but they definitely have some areas where they need ...Read on
Chelsea Butler

Review with most votes

Claiming my dog's insuran
The service was really simple to use. I just went online and filled out the claim, and they were ...Read on
Zoe Baker

Reviews (23)






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    Would buy here again

    Overpriced pet insurance for indoor cats

    I was really let down by the pet insurance I got for my indoor cats. Even though I never made any claims, the premiums just kept getting higher. It's crazy to spend so much on insurance for pets that hardly ever get into trouble. And to top it off, when I tried to leave a review saying how I felt, they quickly took it down. It just goes to show that they only want good reviews and aren't willing to hear any feedback that's not positive.

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    Would buy here again

    Fab customer service!

    Waggel's customer service is fantastic, they always get back to you promptly if you need any help. They are really professional and ensure all your questions are answered thoroughly. I give them a big thumbs up!

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    Would buy here again

    Claim denial due to policy renewal

    I recently had to make a claim towards the end of my policy, and I was really surprised by the decision made by the insurance provider. Even though I had renewed with an ongoing claim, they said they wouldn't pay out because they claimed a new policy had started and reset my excess. I felt so disappointed and frustrated by this situation. To make matters worse, my precious pet passed away during all this, which made the whole thing even more heartbreaking. I'm worried they might not even cover this loss, which just adds to the stress of it all.

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    Would buy here again

    Claiming my dog's insurance

    The service was really simple to use. I just went online and filled out the claim, and they were even kind enough to assist me when I forgot to include all the necessary information. They sent me an email and I just sent over the rest that way. It was so straightforward, especially for someone like me who isn't the best with computers!

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