Alpine Trek Reviews

: 21

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86% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Quick international delivery,
My experience with Alpine Trek was actually pretty good. I was quite surprised by how quickly my ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Sleeping bags, tent, and hikin
I ordered a sleeping bag, tent, and hiking boots, but when I got my stuff, the order was incomple...Read on

Review with most votes

Three products, two returned
I bought some stuff from Alpine Trek not long ago - ended up sending two of them back. But you kn...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Lightweight and comfortable multisport shoes for hiking

    I bought these amazing multisport shoes for hiking and they are honestly top-notch. They are super comfy, lightweight, and perfect for hiking in the mountains. They provide great support and cushioning for those long walks. The fact that they are so light makes it easy to wear them for long periods without feeling weighed down. I can't fault them, they really keep me comfortable during those long treks.

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    Would buy here again

    Hiking shoes for wife

    I just bought a pair of hiking shoes for my wife and I have to say, I'm really happy with the service. The communication was spot on, the delivery was quick, and most importantly, the shoes fit perfectly. Big thank you to the team for being so efficient and doing such a great job. I'll definitely be coming back for more purchases in the future.

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