Big Furniture Warehouse Reviews

: 24

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67% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Bunk bed and desk
I love Big Furniture Warehouse! I recently bought a bunk bed and desk from them, and I was so ple...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Single wardrobe purchase
I bought a single wardrobe from this company and honestly, the whole experience was a nightmare. ...Read on
T. Ellis

Review with most votes

Spare room furniture
I recently bought some inexpensive furniture for my spare room, but the drawers don't quite ...Read on
Ross Clarke

Reviews (24)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Wardrobe purchase

    I bought a wardrobe from a furniture warehouse not long ago, but when it arrived almost a month ago, it was broken. Dealing with the returns has been a nightmare. The courier they chose seems a bit dodgy, as they've failed to pick up the broken wardrobe twice already. And to top it off, they sent me a photo of some random house asking if it's mine. It's been a real pain and waste of time, wouldn't want anyone else to go through this.

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    Would buy here again

    My bunk bed

    I bought this really cool bunk bed from this place and honestly, it was a nightmare from the start. I kept waiting for my order to arrive, but nothing came. I sent them loads of emails to ask about my bunk bed, but I didn't get any replies. The only thing they were good at was taking my money quickly!

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    Would buy here again

    Recent furniture table purchase

    I'm afraid I haven't heard anything from the company like they said they would. I've been keeping an eye on my junk folder, but still no luck. Since the table never arrived, I'm happy to send back the chairs or go ahead and buy them. I think it's really important for the company to get in touch with me soon, as promised.

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    Would buy here again

    Chest of drawers

    I bought a chest of drawers from the warehouse and it turned out to be a real letdown. The drawers were all too small for the chest, so they didn't fit properly on the railings. Every time I tried to open a drawer, they would all just collapse on top of each other, which was really annoying and made things so inconvenient. The quality of the product was not up to scratch at all and I was left feeling really disappointed with my purchase.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Spare room furniture

    I recently bought some inexpensive furniture for my spare room, but the drawers don't quite fit properly, leaving some strange gaps at the sides. The assembly was fine, but the overall fit is not great.

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