Donner Music Reviews

: 24

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63% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Ukulele purchase
I came across this great store called Donner Music and thought it would be a good idea to pick up...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Donner hush i guitar
I bought the Donner hush i guitar for my daughter's Christmas gift. Unfortunately, on Christ...Read on
M. Cooper

Review with most votes

I learnt about music since when I was working under a music producer. My boss studio then used to...Read on

Reviews (24)






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    Would buy here again

    Keyboard purchase

    I recently bought a keyboard and it arrived quite fast, which was nice. It was really easy to set up, but the instructions were a bit confusing. They could have definitely been improved, especially the diagrams. It would have been better if they were clearer.

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    Would buy here again

    Keyboard purchase

    I recently purchased a keyboard and it was absolutely fantastic. The price was brilliant, it arrived promptly and was securely packaged. Once I attached the legs, it was up and running without any issues. The photos online really didn't do it justice - it's much prettier in person!

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    Would buy here again

    Donner DED-400 Electric Drumkit

    So, you know, I got this drum kit, right? When I first got it, everything was great, arrived super quick and was amazing to play. But, after some time, the snare drum stopped working and I discovered the cable was broken. Donner sorted out the cable and the cymbal but the snare drum was a problem. They offered me a refund which I was fine with. But then they kept saying they'd send the snare drum, then they said they shipped it but they didn't, it was just more of the same stuff. And then they made me wait for an extra 10 days, which was really frustrating. When I eventually got my refund, it was through a purchase payment that gave me a fee and delayed my money. I had to contact Paypal to fix it, they were the ones who actually helped me out. Donner just kept making mistakes and calling me by different names in their emails. I'm not sure if they really learned anything from this experience.

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    Would buy here again

    Bass guitar purchase

    I bought a bass guitar from Donner Music not long ago, but it stopped working because of an internal issue. I've tried contacting the customer service team a few times about this problem, but they haven't got back to me yet. It's really frustrating to not hear back or get any help from a music store, especially when you're dealing with a faulty product. I would advise people to think twice before buying from Donner Music.

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    Would buy here again

    Alto Saxophone purchase

    I found an Alto Saxophone on Google and after watching some YouTube reviews, decided to go ahead and order it. Some people had said bad things about the company, but I took a risk and went for it anyway. To my surprise, the saxophone arrived in just four days, faster than I thought it would. The instrument itself was great, it met all my expectations, except for a small problem with the neck strap being stuck.

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