Gladiator PC Reviews

: 22

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100% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Purchased a PC upgrade
I got a new upgrade for my PC from Gladiator recently, and I have to say, I am really impressed w...Read on

Review with most votes

Custom PC purchase
I recently bought a custom PC from Gladiator and I must say, it was a really positive experience....Read on
G. Kelly

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Custom-built PC with Ubuntu 23.1

    I recently bought a custom-built PC from Gladiator PC with Ubuntu 23.1. As a long-time Linux user, I wanted to ensure my preferred OS could run well on the RYZEN chip. I was pleasantly surprised by their expertise and willingness to meet my needs, unlike some other IT providers. Now, the system runs smoothly with various Linux distributions, and I'm really pleased with the result. The team was great, professional, and offered excellent service all the way. Thanks for a job well done!

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    Would buy here again

    Great PC then had to contact for build status

    I purchased a PC from Gladiator and I must say, it was pretty good. It arrived on time as promised, although they didn't keep me updated on its progress during the build. I had to inquire about it, but it was not a big deal. The delivery driver made a mistake and brought the wrong item initially, but Gladiator swiftly corrected the error, so that was great. The only downside for me was the absence of a fan at the back of the PC; there was only one at the front and top. It was functional, but considering the amount I spent, I expected better.

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    Would buy here again

    Gaming PC purchase

    The company did a great job of being professional and reliable, just like they're known for. They put together my gaming PC with care, packed it up nicely, and got it to me right on time. I couldn't be happier with the service and the quality of my new gaming setup.

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