Kings Will Dream Reviews

: 21

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

43% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Coat for grandson
I bought a coat for my grandson and I was really happy with the service I got from the company. T...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Apparel and accessories
I had a really disappointing experience with this company. I bought something from them and had l...Read on

Review with most votes

Bowden Puffer Jacket (Iridesce
For all intents and purposes, I liked their clothes when I was new to the brand. However, as you ...Read on

Reviews (21)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Jeans and t-shirt

    I ordered these really cool jeans and t-shirt from this shop, but it took ages to arrive! I mean, after waiting for a whole week, I decided to hop on their live chat and they told me they actually lost my order. Can you believe that? They promised to send it again within 24 hours, but hold on - another week passed and my stuff was nowhere to be seen. So, I had to go back on live chat and request a refund, but they couldn't even locate my account or payment details! I had to do all the legwork and dig up the merchant details myself. Finally, they said they've put in a request for a refund, but honestly, who knows if I'll ever get my money back. To be honest, do yourself a favour and steer clear of this shop - it's an absolute nightmare!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Tracksuit and socks

    I order 2 track suits and socks one tracksuit didn’t arrive I contacted them with a response they asked for images and then never responded again

    As of today I’ve sent 21 emails to them via my own email and there messaging service on their website all with no response

    Seems like they are doing this on purpose and if your missing items they don’t care and won’t respond again

    Would NOT recommend shopping with them


  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bowden Puffer Jacket (Iridescent)

    For all intents and purposes, I liked their clothes when I was new to the brand. However, as you use their clothes for up to a month and longer; you start to see exactly how bad the durability is.

    All the reflective and iridescent jackets I bought from KWD have got pores and random marks in them after a month of use, especially the nylon jacket I bought, it started shedding apart in normal light rain (and if you live in the UK, you see a lot of rain) even the polyester jacket was like that (ex. the shedding). In short - if you want a reflective jacket - the last place you want to buy from is KWD.

    However bad durability on the reflective jackets isn't the reason for the 3 stars; it's the customer service. It's slow, it's tedious and by the time you bring the CS team to a conclusive result, you get given a subpar outcome.

    To better explain, I give you my situation:
    I buy a jacket in the wrong size, I return it for an exchange, the exchange never happens after waiting 2 weeks, I email CS and they say sorry we're having difficulties sending out order (or some bs like that) so we'll "refund you" (remember these 2 words) and you can buy again in the right size. I re-order in advance of the refund (i must commend myself for that) as there's a black Friday sale and so get the same jacket for cheaper, but after waiting 2 weeks still no refund, I contact CS who say we'll send a message to the bank to check and reconfirm the refund so you need to wait longer, I wait and still nothing so contact CS who infer (they don't say it directly but this is the gist:) they never received my order in the first place and want the tracking number, I'm livid at being accused (me just inferring they don't want to give me a refund and just have been playing me for past month) and not only do I fish out the tracking number but also phone CollectPlus (I returned parcel via them) who confirm that they received the parcel on 15/11/2019 and sent it back to KWD returns on 21/11/2019 (so CS is just taking the mickey, either that or they got embezzled by an employee), at this point (it's the 30/12/2019) they decide they'll give the actual refund in 5 days time, I wait 7 days for it and then see cash inflow of MOST of the cash (not all of it, it's £2.50 less) and then decided enough of this emailing bs (they wasted 2 months of my time due to back and forth emailing that took DAYS for them to respond). I phone them up directly (however I have to wait for 4 minutes till I'm connected to CS). I throw away all the gentlemanly words I used when emailing them and pull out all my roadman language and fully get rude to the guy on the phone, he tells me the £2.50 not refunded is the costs for the delivery, I say I wanted an exchange your company decided(!) to refund me, if you can't do anything then forward me to your manager. The guy refuses to forward me and ends the call leaving me sour. I'm writing this review following that call, my comrades opt for Tommy Hilfiger, Levi's or Calvin Klein, KWD simply isn't worth the trouble and hassle.

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