Leather Company Reviews

: 22

The data of this company have been checked for accuracy and verified. It is safe to visit its official website. We are convinced that online transparency and security encourage all companies to verify themselves with us, so they know where one can shop trustworthily and safely. Read more

86% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Leather coat purchase
I got my leather jacket order really quickly and I was really happy with the customer service I r...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Leather jacket
I bought a leather jacket from this company not long ago, and I've got to admit, I wasn'...Read on

Review with most votes

Original Products
The market is now filled with a wide variety of leather products, from bags to belts and wallets....Read on

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    My cool bags

    I bought some amazing bags and they're really cool! The designs are awesome and the quality is top-notch. The people who work there are really nice and the bags arrived quickly! I got two for my friends and one for myself and they were all really excited about them. I will definitely be shopping there again!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Jacket fell apart

    I recently bought this leather jacket, but it completely fell apart after only a few times wearing it. I tried to get in touch with the company, but they totally ignored me - not cool at all! I'm definitely going to warn all my friends to steer clear of that place.

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    Would buy here again

    A leather wallet

    I bought a leather wallet from this company recently and I have to admit I am really let down by both the product and the service I got. The wallet I got was really bad quality and didn't look anything like what was described on the website. On top of that, the packaging was pretty poor too, which was a real shame. Even though I tried to get in touch with customer service a few times about my worries, I haven't heard back from them for days. This lack of communication and service just isn't on. In general, I wish I hadn't bought anything from this company and wouldn't suggest it to others.

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