Mint Velvet Reviews

: 21

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95% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Blue and white striped waistco
I had an amazing experience at the Windsor store. Maria and Linda were so lovely and really gave ...Read on
Ross Mitchell

Most relevant negative review

Clothing items
I bought about £70 worth of clothes online not long ago. The prices seemed really good, maybe eve...Read on
F. Hall

Review with most votes

Clothes and accessories
The first time I shopped from Mint Velvet, I felt like I never shopped before and that was actual...Read on

Reviews (21)






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    Would buy here again

    Incompetent Solihull store experience

    During my last visit to the Solihull store, it was quite disappointing. The staff member I spoke to, Claire, didn't seem to know much and gave me wrong information. This is actually the second time I've had bad service here, so now I'm not sure if I want to come back.

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    Would buy here again

    Jumpers and jeans

    I really used to enjoy shopping here, but recently I've been really let down by the quality of the clothes. The jumpers I purchased turned old-looking after just a few washes, despite me following the instructions! And let's not even talk about the shoes - they fell apart after only a few wears. I also attempted to buy a pair of jeans, but even though I went for a bigger size, they wouldn't even go past my thighs! It's so annoying to splash out so much cash on clothes that don't fit properly or fall apart so soon. I used to think of this store as a rival to other brands like Whistles and Hush, but now I just end up feeling disappointed every time I shop here.

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