skinbunny Reviews

: 25

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68% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Skin rejuvenation cream
The skin rejuvenation cream from this brand is absolutely amazing. I've tried so many other ...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Skin product
This product really disappointed me. I was really hoping it would work well this time, but it jus...Read on
D. Bell

Review with most votes

Under Eye Enhancer purchase
I've had eye bags for ages and I've used so many products to try and get rid of them, b...Read on
M. Thompson

Reviews (25)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    My order taking way too long 🐰

    I ordered something and it took ages to arrive. I was really not happy about it. I mean, seriously, I wanted my stuff ASAP! I was looking forward to using it but had to wait for ages. It's just not cool.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cute face cream

    I bought this really lovely face cream from here and it's absolutely fantastic! The service was brilliant, the lady called Diane Enfer who assisted me was so lovely, and now we're actually pals!

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Skin product purchase

    I bought this skin product and it made my face feel itchy and swollen after a few tries. I ended up having to throw it away, and now I'm feeling really bummed out about it.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Eye cream purchase

    I bought this eye cream recently and I was really disappointed with it. Even though I followed the instructions and tried using more of it, it just left my eyes looking all dried out and flaky. I was hoping for a cream that would make my eyes look fresh and hydrated, but this one just didn't deliver. It was a total letdown and I wouldn't suggest it to anyone. Just a waste of money, really.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    5 skin contour treatments

    I'm nearly done with all 5 treatments for my skin contour, and I'm really pleased with how it's going. My friend has even commented on how much better my skin looks and now she's keen to give it a go too. I'm so chuffed with how it's working that I'm thinking of getting another pack for me and one for my mate as well.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Under eye enhancer

    The under eye enhancer was a total letdown. I tried it twice, but both times it didn't work at all. They said they changed the formula in the first batch, and it came out red instead of white/cream. The next batch was still rubbish. The stuff was too thick, left white marks, and made my eyes sore. And to top it off, they wouldn't let me return it for free like they said on the website. The customer service was terrible, and it felt like they lied about the product. It's no wonder I don't see anyone talking about it on Facebook anymore.

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