Susie Watson Designs Reviews

: 22
59% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Lampshades, cushions, throw, l
I've just bought a few things from this shop like lampshades, cushions, a throw, and a lamp ...Read on
J. Knight

Most relevant negative review

Fabric delivery
As a regular customer, I was pretty gutted when I found out they'd gotten rid of the click a...Read on
Bethany Harris

Review with most votes

Cupboard knobs - Bee design
Very attractive design which suited my colour scheme, however the quality of the manufacture is v...Read on
Paul Franklin

Reviews (22)






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    Would buy here again

    Tablecloth with embroidery

    Really bad customer service. The embroidery is on the reverse of the tablecloth and I was told they outsource and only complain to suppliers about things that really are unacceptable" which means I have to live with an overpriced and faulty product!

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    Would buy here again

    Cupboard knobs - Bee design

    Very attractive design which suited my colour scheme, however the quality of the manufacture is very bad indeed. 30pc of the knobs received were unusable. Unfortunately Susiie Watson werer unwilling to replace the faulty knobs

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