Townsend Music Reviews

: 23

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17% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Pre-order of two items
I've been using this place for more than ten years now and they've never let me down. I...Read on

Most relevant negative review

Signed bundle disappointment
I ordered a signed bundle from this place not long ago, and I must say I was really let down. I w...Read on

Review with most votes

Pre-ordered vinyl
This website is honestly the best for ordering music. I pre-ordered my vinyl and it always arrive...Read on
Sienna Martin

Reviews (23)






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  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Awesome CD bundle

    I tried reaching out to them, but no one bothered to reply to me. I mean, seriously, all I wanted was my missing CD back. They were no help whatsoever, which was super frustrating. Honestly, I don't think I'll be trusting them again or ordering from them in the future. It just gives off major dodgy vibes, not cool at all.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    CD purchase

    Oh my gosh, I ordered a CD from Townsend Music and it turned out to be a complete nightmare! They didn't even send my item in the end, can you believe it? And when I complained about it, they sent me a different, cheaper CD instead. I didn't even want that one! Now I have to go through all this hassle just to get my money back, so frustrating. Plus, they want me to pay for the return of the wrong CD they sent me, like seriously, no way! Their communication is terrible too, just talk to me properly and sort it out, how difficult is that? Definitely not recommended, don't shop here, guys.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Pre-ordered CD arrival

    I'm a customer at Townsend Music and I recently pre-ordered a CD. I had certain expectations about when it would be delivered. When you pre-order a CD, you're hoping to get it on or soon after the release date. But, sadly, the delivery didn't match up to what I hoped for. The CD turned up later than I was expecting, which was a bit disappointing.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Vinyl Records

    I bought some vinyl records online recently, but the whole experience was a bit of a let-down. The website was a nightmare to get around, and checking out was a slow and baffling process. Even though I paid extra for the 48-hour delivery, my order didn't get sent out for more than a week. I didn't hear anything about what was going on with my order, which was really annoying, and it left me feeling pretty disappointed with the service I got from the company.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Cat Stevens "king of a land T shirt"

    I recently bought a t-shirt from Townsend Music, and I have to say I'm really disappointed with how things have gone. Even though I was told to get a medium, I still haven't got my order even after weeks have passed since I made the purchase. I've been trying to follow up, but it seems like nobody is listening because my delivery still hasn't arrived. How come they don't have stock of a common size like medium, especially when the product was launched alongside a new CD release? I'm pretty frustrated and unhappy with how everything has been handled. I've even asked for a full refund because of the lack of communication and efficiency from Townsend Music.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Bundle purchase with CD, vinyl, and signed print.

    I recently bought a bundle that was meant to include a CD, vinyl, and a signed print. Unfortunately, the signed print was missing from my order when it arrived. I tried to contact the customer service team through email a few times, and eventually, they got back to me. However, their first response was a bit dismissive and wrong, as they said I hadn't actually ordered the print. After more back and forth, they then told me that the print was actually out of stock. I was pretty let down by the lack of communication and organisation in dealing with my order. As a customer, I reckon it's fair to expect a certain level of professionalism and openness when making a purchase, especially when it's something special like a signed print.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Main order with bonus CD

    I bought something from Townsend Music recently and had a problem to deal with. They sent me a bonus CD in a separate envelope, but it turned up empty when it arrived. I told them about the issue, and they said they couldn't send me another bonus CD because they didn't have any left. They did offer to give me a refund for the bonus CD, but I wasn't happy with how they handled it. So, I decided to cancel my whole order. The only good thing about all of this was that they were quick to process the cancellation.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Pre-order albums

    I was really disappointed with my experience with this company. I ordered two albums, one of which was a pre-release, hoping they would be delivered together. However, on the day of release, I found out that the in-stock album was no longer available and my pre-order was cancelled even though I had already paid. I had to keep chasing them up for the pre-order, which was annoying and took up a lot of my time. Their lack of communication and accountability was not acceptable. They didn't apologise for not securing the in-stock item, didn't explain why the pre-order was cancelled, and didn't acknowledge the long wait for delivery. The customer service I received was slow, rude, and not helpful at all, making me feel like they didn't care about me as a customer. Overall, I was left feeling disappointed and frustrated by this experience, and I wouldn't recommend this company to anyone.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Vinyl Record Purchase

    I recently bought a vinyl record from this shop and honestly, it was such a nightmare. My order never arrived and when I tried to contact customer service, they were no use at all. It felt like they couldn't care less about my problem and I ended up feeling really frustrated and mad. It's such a shame that their service was so bad because I was really excited to get my order.

  • Ordering




    Would buy here again

    Band T-shirt

    Recently, I bought a band t-shirt from this company and honestly, it was a huge letdown. I ordered it months ago, but there were delays and the company didn't keep me in the loop about what was going on. I'm a big fan of the band, so I was really excited to get the shirt, but it seems like they couldn't send it because they ran out of stock. Their support team didn't really help either - they didn't give me any useful info and ended up cancelling my order without asking me. This whole thing has really annoyed me, and I wouldn't recommend this company to anyone who wants to shop with confidence.

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