Billing Better Reviews

: 17

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59% Would buy here again

Most relevant positive review

Quick and easy bill management
Billing Better really helped me out with managing my bills - it was so stress-free and convenient...Read on
Vanessa Wright

Most relevant negative review

Energy bill payment issue
I've had a really annoying experience with Billing Better. I paid my energy bill and ended m...Read on
M. Owen

Review with most votes

Setting up bills for new flat
I've just sorted out my bills for my new flat with Billing Better, and I have to say it was ...Read on
Jane Robinson

Reviews (17)






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    Would buy here again

    Reduced management fees

    I just wanted to give a shout out to the amazing customer service I got from Billing Better. Sophie, the rep I spoke with, really went the extra mile to sort out my problem. She even managed to lower the management fees on my bill, which was a huge help. It's not often you find someone who genuinely cares about helping customers, so her dedication really stood out to me. It's clear that Billing Better values customer satisfaction, and that's something you don't see every day.

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    Would buy here again

    Setting up bills for new flat

    I've just sorted out my bills for my new flat with Billing Better, and I have to say it was really easy and hassle-free. I had a chat with a guy called Adam on the phone, and he was super helpful and explained everything really clearly. He took the time to talk me through all the different choices I had and made sure I knew what each part of my bills meant. Adam even went out of his way to find me the cheapest internet deal and told me about the council tax discount for single occupants.

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    Would buy here again

    Energy, internet, and council tax sharing

    Billing Better was fantastic in helping sort out the energy, internet, and council tax for my son and his flatmate. Chloe Mart really shone - she was super friendly, efficient, and proactive. Even with my son and his flatmate being really busy, she managed to work with them to sort everything out quickly. I was really impressed by her dedication and professionalism. Billing Better is definitely the go-to for sorting out household admin hassle-free.

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    Would buy here again

    TV License bill issue

    Sorting out my billing issue was a total nightmare until Zara came to the rescue. I hadn't realised my TV License bill hadn't been paid, but as soon as I got in touch with her, she sorted it out in no time. Zara's customer service was top-notch - she was quick, dedicated, and got the problem sorted without any hassle. She's a real credit to the company, and I'm so grateful for her professionalism and helpfulness.

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    Would buy here again

    Experience with Billing Better

    I've had a terrible experience with this service! They've been trying to scam me and the other tenants for a year now. After moving out, they kept sending us emails saying we had an outstanding balance that needed to be paid. We paid the first time, but then they said there was a mistake and the money didn't go to the right gas company. It doesn't make any sense - it's their job to handle our bills! Even though they said the problem was fixed, we got another email saying we still owed money. It's obvious now that we've been caught in a scam. Make sure to check out reviews before signing up - it's all just lies!

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    Would buy here again

    Energy bill payment issue

    I've had a really annoying experience with Billing Better. I paid my energy bill and ended my contract nearly a year ago, but they keep chasing me for money I don't owe. At first, they asked for some outstanding balance which I paid, even though I didn't think it was right. Now they want more money, but I'm not sure why. It's so confusing and frustrating, causing me a lot of stress and hassle. I recommend that people think twice before signing up with Billing Better.

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    Would buy here again

    Renters services

    I had a really great experience with Billing Better. The person I spoke to was super helpful and made sure I wasn't getting treated unfairly or getting a bad credit score. Oliver Freeman really went the extra mile to keep me updated and support me through it all. His hard work and professionalism were really impressive, and I appreciate all his help. I would definitely recommend Billing Better to anyone who needs their services.

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    Would buy here again

    Switched energy provider

    I had to change my energy provider because the one I was using was the only one allowed in my building. I gave Billing Better a call and had a chat with a lovely lady called Zara. She was really helpful and guided me through everything. She even went the extra mile and spoke with her boss to sort out cancelling my agreement. I was really thankful that they listened to my situation and let me cancel. Zara was absolutely brilliant!

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    Would buy here again

    Quick and easy bill management

    Billing Better really helped me out with managing my bills - it was so stress-free and convenient. Zara Thomas, their customer service rep, was so patient and helpful with all my questions and worries. Having everything in one place made it a lot easier for me to keep on top of my bills and not miss any payments. I'd definitely recommend their service to anyone who wants to make their bill management easier.

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    Would buy here again

    Moving into new apartment

    I felt quite anxious about moving into my first flat where I'd have to deal with all the bills myself. Chloe Mart from Billing Better really helped me relax with her clear and detailed explanation of how everything would work once I moved in. She took the time to explain each part of the bills and made sure I grasped everything. I was really impressed by her expertise and professionalism.

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    Would buy here again

    Waste of money

    I completely agree that this company is a total scam! They promise to take care of all your bills, but I've been left with unpaid bills for over 7 months now. My credit score has been completely wrecked because of their failures, and I've wasted so much time trying to get answers through their worthless livechat. Every time I need help, the livechat is never available, and the bot they have is so unhelpful. I even had to resort to leaving a review just to try and get someone to pay attention to my problems, but it seems like they are not doing anything to fix the issue. Please avoid using this company at all costs; it's been an absolute nightmare for me, and I wouldn't want anyone to go through what I've experienced.

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    Would buy here again

    Flat rental experience

    I rented a flat for the first time in the UK and it was quite a big deal for me, you know? However, I felt a bit confused because some of the questions I had were not completely clear as I have never rented before. What if the bill turns out to differ from my estimate? They didn't really explain that, which was a bit annoying, you know?

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    Would buy here again

    Bills payment platform review

    I joined this bills payment thing back in March 2023 and it was all good at first. But then, after three months, everything went downhill. They kept charging me too much and not sending my money to the right places. I tried contacting customer service loads of times, but they weren't helpful at all. Turns out, they used my money to pay someone else's bills, which got me in trouble with all my service providers. Even when I tried to fix things and get a refund, they said no. So I ended up paying all my bills twice. Dealing with BillingBetter has been a total nightmare, and I really wouldn't recommend them to anyone.

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    Would buy here again

    Awesome utility services

    Wow, this place is really impressive! They've got this amazing technology that makes everything so easy and reliable. It's like having your own superhero to handle all your power and water needs. Who wouldn't want that? It's the perfect solution to never having to stress about your basic necessities again.

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    Would buy here again

    Account Closure Issue

    I had a really frustrating experience with this company. I closed my account with them, but months later I got an email saying I still owed money. I was shocked because I hadn't heard from them in ages and I know I paid all my bills on time. It seemed dodgy and made me think it could be a scam.

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    Would buy here again

    My experience with Billing Better

    My time with Billing Better was so annoying and confusing. It felt like managing all my bills at once, or maybe even worse. Their way of reminding me to sort out my bills seemed old-fashioned and ineffective. They couldn't explain the different account numbers to me, and their answers to my questions were not clear or useful. To sum up, my time with Billing Better was just a waste of time and effort. I wouldn't suggest using their services.

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    Would buy here again

    Billing Better experience

    Billing Better is an absolute scam. The CEO needs to take responsibility for what they're doing because it looks like they're still taking money from people without actually paying their utility bills. It took me a whole five months of stress to get my credit score back to normal after using this company. If you ever end up using their services, I suggest keeping any proof you can get your hands on.

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